The smartest person in England has bred a new kind of pet pig, one that fits in the palm of your hand! Chris Murray's Pennywell Miniature pigs recently gave birth to eight piglets at his farm in Devon. According to this article on, Murray wanted a kind of pig "that children can enjoy giving...a cuddle." Hmm....creepy.
This is where the meat for those tiny little sandwiches they serve at tea time comes from...
Anyhoo, Murray is trying to sell them in pairs so they always have a companion and claims that they are easy to house train. He just sold a couple to some British celebrity that we've never heard of at about $150 US (1.5 UK Pounds) a pop.
The little porkers can live up to 14 years
How long until Paris Hilton has one of her own? Tiny pigs...that's hot.
Special thanks to Mark "the Stork" Devito for bringing this to our attention.
*** If you like miniature pigs, you will love miniature horses! ***
More mini pig pics below the fold...
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Don't let my Labrador Retriever know about these little pork snax...she'll be pestering me for "fresh Snausages on the hoof".
The While You Are Gone CD would pale in comparison.
Cute. I didn't see anything that said how big they were when full-grown though.
I want a pair!
No, this too unreal to be real. I never thought a pig could be cute, but these baby mini pigs are kitten and puppy level cute. Even the little snouts are cute.
The minipigs were not originally bred as pets - they are very valuable lab test animals, actually. For some physiology models pigs are very close to humans - more so than monkeys. Except that normal pigs grow too big to be handled in the vivarium.
My mom was working at Academy of Science headquarters in Prague. They had a mishap in 80s, at the Institute of Virology: The scientists there did not want a good meat to go to waste. They held secret BBQs, using the mini-porkers from the control group. It was a great internal tradition - And one day someone managed to spread a very contagious infection into the control group. It was not discovered until the whole research group came down with a vicious porcine virosis, all aparently after the BBQ (I am not sure what happened to these unfortunate folks but most likely they had to be put down :)
$150 is about 75 pounds. I know the dollar is weak, but I'm sure 150 bucks is worth more than a newspaper and packet of chewing gum.
You clearly are not familiar with the most recent dollar fluctuations and current facetious exchange rate.
I'm torn between thinking they're cute, and thinking they look like Elf or Vulcan fetuses.
My poor guinea pig will be furious. I prefer my pets covered in fur though. Pigskin weirds me out.
mini-warthogs would be cool... mini-giraffes would be even better
Hmmm, I bought a pot-bellied pig in 1994. I was assured she would never ever exceed 40lbs fully grown. She's now a trim 110lbs. Some are 300+. Don't ever believe what the breeders tell you, it's in their interest to LIE!!!!
They were "the pets of the future" then. I guess everything that's old becomes new again. Pigs are smarter than any cat of dog (and probably some people as well). They get into trouble that would never occur to a dog. They can be affectionate and are social critters. They have their own, well pig-headed nature. They keep at something for hours until they figure it out, particualrly if there's a potential for food involved. They are intelligent sensitive creatures with long memories and become very attached to their people.
I applaud the breeder for selling them in pairs, selling them alone is cruel.
Andrew, Benny... My birthday's coming up ;)
must. have. mini. piggy.
I was just informed by a friend of mine (who immediately called the English farm upon reading our post) that there is currently a two year waiting list to purchase a mini pig. We need a way to produce them faster. Now I know that puppy farms are evil places, but in this case, a mini pig factory might be appropriate...I'm just saying.
I'll take 50 pairs please. I'll harness them all and have them pull me around on a chariot. That would be sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet.
I had something to say, but as comments are moderated for spam, forget it.
Pigletta would be a good name. Po Boy (as in the swamich) would be a good name for a boy pig. Maybe I could train them to hop in and run around in a hogey bun?
I can't wait to eat that mini pig...
wonder what kind of health problems these genetically engineered creatures (and their owners) will face.
In support of my hypothesis, which is mine, that is to say it belongs to me, that "Miniature pigs = Elf fetuses", I present Exhibit A, Hugo Weaving as Elrond of Rivendell:
OINK! Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo OINK!
I keep hoping someone will develop a perma-kitten.
Monado said:
Yes. Perma-kitten, -puppy, -joey, -baby elephant, etc, would be the best thing ever.
Plate sized pig. Yum.
I'm not sure we should be genetically modifying animals -- screwing with nature on a DNA-level-- so to speak. Having said that, damn, they're cute.
These pigs haven't been genetically engineered -- their natural DNA has been screwed with as humans have done for many thousands of years, via selective breeding.
Demand will rise shortly after the release of the latest cute pig movie, which is due out sometime soon. For the record, I like the cute pig movies. The commenter who mentioned the details in pig behavior got it right though. They are too smart/destructive to be housepets. That'll do pig.
Cute, yes.
But I don't really understand the desire for perma puppies/kittens/baby animals. Yes, they are endearing, cute, entertaining, but surely even more interesting and joyful is watching them grow up to be adults of their species. I like kittens, but if they never grew up, we would miss out on all the marvels of cats.
Companion animals are already neotenous relative to their ancestral species (adult dogs have many of the characteristics of juvenile wolves, and the same is true for adults cats and their wild precursors). So in a sense we already have "perma-puppies" and "perma-kittens".
"Perma-kittens" were mentioned in a science-fiction short story once and I'm amused to see it almost coming true. We now have miniature horses and pigs as well as "toy" dogs like Yorkies that sell for thousands of dollars. Other than that, I agree with Bee:
The point in the story of permanently small animals was that it's wasteful to feed a full-sized one. If we had a true sense or proportion we'd get rid of our pets and send the money and food to starving children. Along with the corn used to fatten meat animals and that used to make ethanol for fuel (another price-support scam).
I would love to have a pair, my grand-daughter wants to enter them at the fair.
too cute!
Awesome! Though I still prefer kittens.
"Perma-kitten, -puppy, -joey, -baby elephant, etc, would be the best thing ever."
Welcome to Neoteny Overload! No, waitaminnit, that website already exists, but it's called Cute Overload. Which is going to get this link via email as soon as I finish typing here.
I'll stick with my feathered friends, thanks.
BEWARE! My mom got one a while ago and the males are impossible to potty train! Also, they are not completely domesticated and many can be very difficult to catch and hold once they are older.
Speaking as someone who worked on a pig farm for 5 years, I suspect the pigs in the pictures are all newborns. They look that way for about a week, and look like Babe for maybe a month or two. Also, many domestic pigs will continue to grow bigger, not just fatter, as long as they have sufficient food. You can only limit their size by limiting their food. Also, pigs are independent. If you can enjoy watching them grow up and do their own thing, go for it, but don't expect them to act like Labradors in piglet suits.
> mini-giraffes would be even better
Alpacas look a bit like mini-giraffes, and make great pets.
Jen would like a tiny pig. To keep in her pocket.
Also, tincture, you stole my idea!
I wouldn't be averse to a mini-giraffe either. Something that gets to be about 5'2 would be just about right.
A small dog is great because you can take it everywhere. In the USA, I smuggle my 3lb Yorkie in. She's very well-trained (uses a litterbox if I'm not home to let her out in the yard) and if I put her in my lap and cover her with a shawl, she'll sit there for hours.
Europe is much saner about dogs. In fact, I not only take my dog to France, where she's welcomed in cafes and fine restaurants, I took her to the Human Behavior & Evolution Society Conference in Berlin. She was perfectly behaved, as usual, although she has never heard applause before, and it scared her. So, after Dawkins gave the keynote address, and everyone clapped, you could hear a Yorkshire terrier barking. It was very cute.
I keep hoping someone will develop a perma-kitten.
There are such things as "teacup cats", (small enough to sit on a hand or shoulder). IIRC, they're not recognized by the Cat Fanciers Association, specifically because the CFA was horrified by the breeding hazards stemming from the 100-1 size variation in dog breeds.
There is already a mini pig.
They are called Pygmy hogs, a spiecies of pig from N India, sie of hare, tuskless and docile.
They are cute.
They breed well in captivity.
They are one of the worlds rarest mammals, though, believed to be less than 200 left.
Oh, how qyoooooot! Not.
They look like a freakin' nightmare. Just what we need, more formerly-healthy animals turned into toys for stupid people.
The guy who's creating them is a major creep. The people who buy them are not animal lovers.
Why do you assume they're not healthy? Do you assume dogs and cats are unhealthy because we've bred them to be conveniently-sized pets?
where can I get one?
I own a chinese mini pig and I keep her inside. The breeder said she can get up to about 20 lbs. But my question is can they jump? She used to jump up on the couch but she doesn't anymore. Does anyone know?
They r sooooo cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!
where can i ge one on these pigs from ??
Although i am tempted to get one for everyone i know, there is something slightly odd about the whole thing...........
Dr Duck, you disgust me. Do animals lives have any less value than ours????? I don't think so!!! As a vegetarian, I say, These piglets were NOT meant to be slaughtered!!! There were meant to run and play! What was the world come to???
They got what they deserved for abusing poor helpless animals!!
how do i put my name on the waiting list to buy one or two??
only $150 woaw less than a dog totally gunna buy 1 (if i can) omg soooooooooo cute
They are adorable! I raise show pigs and the thought of having one my mom would actually let me keep in the house!! I love the idea!! How long is the waiting list?
animal testing is soo cruel. pigs should be bred for pet uses only. i am a vegeterian. people who test on animals are so cruel and are evil people and they should rot in hell!!!!!
to whom it may concern,
i have been looking for a while for a mini pig. i love pigs and have always wanted one, i would love to know how i would be able to buy one from you of even a pair as you would like it, i am very serious and would greatly appreciate it if you could let me know. i live in ireland does that make any difference?
how do you go about buying a pair of these mini pigs???
its too cute to eat
hi im joe and i was wundering are you now alowed to ceap a pet pig in your house !!!!
dey r so cute i wont 1 nw 'plz mummy can i have a pet mini pig plz' LOL but there so cute i realy wt 1
Our new neighbor owns a pot-bellied pig. He lets the animal run around loose, and it comes to visit my farm almost every day (we live way out in the country). It is a small one, and only stands about 15inches high though it appears to be full grown. Around here, they are virtually giving away pot-bellied pigs at livestock sales.
J. R. Wise
author of "Give a Horse a Second Chance"
i show pigs at the crawford count fair and i dont thin this is wrong but i dont think this is right . first of all those r not mini pigs they r the real durok pigs they r just at a young age they can get up to 5oo pounds he is a liar and a cheat that just wants money if u think the same or u want to talk about this cruel niss with me here is my email i am 15 and i am single.
omg they are like the cutest things ever i would so have 1xx
Just another display of how warped our society is. I couldn't be more disgusted than I am right now. These adorable living creatures are not accessories. The ones that have already been born should be taken home and cared for properly...and I don't mean on your plate! No more of these animals should be "created" its just wrong on so many levels. Have a heart!
These are the cutest pets I've ever seen, are any of them up for adoption, if so please email me back @
Thanks so much
It's so sad that we eat these amazing animals :(
I'm in Canada, and I would like to know if I can get one of those pigs?
I have been looking for a pig and they r very hard to find. I want one sooooooooooooo............bad!!! If u know anyone that is selling one or has some please contact me. I want one so bad more than anything. If u have any info please email me at
<3 *Brittany*
Im living in Cornwall ontario on a farm and i Was just woundering if they could get 2 piglets sent down... And what is the max weight these piglets get to be?? I'd love to buy 1 ,2 their are adorable they would love my farm down here. Their precious. If you know any info about how i can own my own little ones or get more information on who does PLEASE contact me
best regards I'll be willing to pay!! :) piglets<3
i would like to know if there are any more piglets available .. and how much would one cost please.
My boyfriend and I have been looking for a pig and we decided we want one of yours. How can we purchase one?
For those of you in the US or Canada, you can check out these Royal Dandie pigs.
Sorry about that:
I've always wanted a pig.... but not too 'cute', I'm gonna go against the majority here and say I want a hairy vicious looking animal with tusks. Do pot bellied pigs grow noticable tusks?
I went to a farm once that had actual European Wild Boars. Now THOSE were cool looking... and friendly, I was actually allowed to pet them.
how big are they when full grown?
how can I buy one?
hello.i am VERY INTERESTED IN A MINIPIG. I have several other pets at home from ferrets to lizards. I saw this article and have decided to buy one. Could you please e-mail me?
Can i get a pair in Australia.Please advise.rgs jim
I've always heard that pigs are smart and make good pets - I don't see anything appalling in this at all.
would like to know how I can get one they are so cute omg so cute our pets are treated just like one of our kids so it would fit in real nice here
I have been looking for mini pigs everywere I found a place but there pigs were like a thousand dollars and urs r only a couple hundred so if you could contact me I would be verry intrested!
I have been looking for mini pigs everywere I found a place but there pigs were like a thousand dollars and urs r only a couple hundred so if you could contact me I would be verry intrested!
where can i get one? Agonizingly cute!!!
These pigs are ADORABLE!!! How would I go about getting one?? Someone help me PLEASE!!
check out this website, they have some tiny Mini Pigs, they get between 30-60 lbs, as adults and are awesome we have bought several and so have my family and friends. This is the only other place I know of to get the tiny ones. They have rare colors and are very nice people. check them out if you want a mini pig, they will have more for sale next week! Tell her Tonya sent ya their way. Her name is MElissa phone # is (606)743-1177 I put her email so you can reply to her!
Thats Real Bitchy to say you eat them.
I hope a cannibal bites you nose!
Not a threat.
Just a oppion.
hey these little piggy's are so cute...
wish i could get one for my family...
how much are they for 2 of them...
i would love to get one right now...
I understand there's a rare Himalayan pig that runs about 15 pounds. Maybe turning them into pets would keep them from going extinct. Pigs do seem to have a way of adopting people...
aww thats the cutest thing ever i asked my mom if i could get one and she was like a pig??? and then i showed her the pic and she wants to get 2 one for me and one for her now i just need to know where u get them it would of been nice if they put up an e-mail or anything leting us know how we can get them
Ever since i saw charlottes web ive wanted a pig.
so if i can find the details of where to get one that would be awesome!
thanks so much!
so cutee (:
how much are those cutie little piglets? please send me a message back ill give you my number....
do they stay small where do i get one
my wife and i fell in love with these photos. we are interested in seeing how to purchase one. please respond.
me and my husband have been looking for a tea cup mini pig for a while now.. we live in canada and are wondering if you ship here and how much it would cost?
I have many mini pigs and i only do kosher meat. i think thats how the world should eat instead of killing. anyways i love the mini pigs. They mean the world to me. When the state fair was here the pigs were in the small little pens.
When we breed the pigs we have 20 acers of running space and our fences are 20 feet up so i like to see the foxes get over that haha. Got to have the little piggies. :D
I live in Florida. I fell in love with the pictures. I would be very interested in seeing how to purchase!! also how much it would cost to sent to the US. Thanks e-mail me back!!
How big do these pigs get once full grown? I absolutely love them, but from talking to others about these pigs, I have heard that the teacup pig theory is untrue and the pigs grow to the same size as normal pot belly pigs. I would love one, but i do nopt want to be fooled in to thinking that I got myself the pefect sized pet pig, but later to find out that he or she is 180 pounds and bigger than both my dogs put together.
i was looking to no if there are any for sale in or nare northen ireland.?
Because i would realy like one..!=D
i would like to know how i can buy the miniture pigs i love pigs i would like to keep them in the house if you could email me back and let me know. thank you
Where can we see them?
hi uhmm i wanted to know where, for how much i can purchase these pigs. do they have problems with feeding? do they need special feeding?? how big will they get?do they need any other treatment to other pigs?? and are they nice natured pigs?
i have absolutely fallen in love with them they r so CUUTTEE:)
THEY R THE CUTEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
there are so cute about just one of them for 50 dollars.
meow > oink
hey richard where can i get one?
where can i buy suth a little pig please
i want one they r so cuttie
Hello, We are interested in buying these 'Devon Mini Pigs'. Could you give us a website in which you could buy these adorably cute piglets!
Thankyou & Email me soon :)
please let me know where i can get two of these pigs...would love them for pets...been looking for a while
I would like to know where I can purchase 2 of these piglets from? Do they stay little or do they grow to a normal size pig? Any web site, contact or info. on them would be great!
I want to place an order but I havent Found out where to place one at I would like a pair Im a pig lover from a kid I had pet pigs.and ive been waiting or this moment.......Im so excited plz respond........
im looking for a pigmy pig like these but im in the USA... so is it possible to get one soon, but how much would you sell it for??!!
i would love to get one of the cute little pigs how do i get one and how big do they get when they are full grown
Wondering where I could find one of these amazingly cute little pigs for a pet? I live in Wisconsin-United States
how do i get oneeee!!!
Hey wondering where i could purchase such a rare adorable animal willing to pay cash
What in the world is the freaky animal on the left side of the page third from the top? I swear I saw a full sized one of these running across the road. I thought it was a Chupacabra. Help. I've been having bad dreams ever since I saw it.
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!! he (or she) is so CUTE!!! though not to critesiz but i looked up mini pigs, and let me tell you they get to ... about.... 361 pound !!!! Also they need ALOT,when i say alot i mean alot,of attenion so if you r a bussniss man cant have a pig.and... you get the point. oh ya.PIGS ARE MY FAVORITE ANIMAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Need minie pig for my mom
Hello... I want a pig really bad...And if anyone could send me information on how to get one of these...I'll be so happy. Thank you....
Hello... I want a pig really bad...And if anyone could send me information on how to get one of these...I'll be so happy. Thank you....
hello me and my family are interessed in buying a pocket sized pig but want to know the following :
how big do they grow to ?
do they have to be kept in pares ?
where should they b kept ?
and how much do they cost ?
if you could possibly answer these questions we would be very greatful :)
thank you
oh i forgot to ask where can we buy them from ?
please get back to me at
thank you again
I have managed to buy one via a friend, but we wont get her for a few weeks - She was told by the breeder that they can be kept alone - they are only 10 inch high and live for 15 years..The litter from what I understand is all sold .
They house train better than a dog - and are belived to be the most affectionate pets..
PS - I will breed from her at a later date..
i want a pair! how do i order?
Hi Tawnya, I will find out where im getting mins from if there is any left - I will post the reply here...
I am from Singapore and I want a pair ... kindly reply to my email, please ?
I'm from South Africa, please let me know as well... very interested to have little porkers running around the house.
I have been wanting a pig but my boyfriend keeps telling me that they are mean creatures and they get big. The little porker cannot possibly get big and mean will somebody help change his mind so i can have one of these pigs!!!
can I buy 3 for my juggling act?
i want a teacup pot belly pig plz email me plz
how do u get one of these mini pigs?
Live in the states , please send me some more information regarding these adorable pigs interested in a pair. Need to know how you ship them in with quarantine laws. Please be intouch as soon as possible. look forward to hearing from you.
oh my gosh i want one i have been begin for one of these since i was little how big are the full grown ones? Are the 150 with shippin and all? Can you ship them or would i have to come get them? PLEASE GET BACK ASAP i really want some and do i get to pick my own? one more thing is that 150 for both or apiece
Hello I have this endearing love for pigs it's ridiculous! I have always wanted a little pet pig but of course growing up the parents would say, "You don't live on a farm young lady and your dad will eat it!" I am a vegetarian so eating animals is not my thing EVER! I have searched and searched for a place to buy the mini pigs (like these adorable ones here) and got no where.
So where can I go to get more information about adopting a little baby piglet? =D
I have wanted a pig for some time now,but after looking around and seeing how big they grow,I think I need to be looking for a miniature. What is the the hight of your little cutees when they are fully grown also what wieght are they
hi i was just wondering how much a pair of minature piglets are to buy as im interseted in buying them if you could email me back with the prices an what sex's they are that would be great thanks.
i would love one please contact me!
For the love of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, learn to spell, you benighted idiots, and figure out that they're not selling pigs here.
Also, I don't think any of you want the burden of caring for the genetic equivalent of an inbred Appalachian retard.
Or, at least, it is most likely a burden to care for an animal that is the genetic equivalent of an inbred Appalachian retard.
I wouldn't buy one if you paid me.
i want one sooo bad they are sooo cute!!!!
how much will they weigh when they are fully grown?
how do i buy one?
i want one sooo bad they are sooo cute!!!!
how much will they weigh when they are fully grown?
how do i buy one?
please,please email me back!!!
hi i was just so shocked with how small these pigs are!
i would so like to have one!
how much do they weigh when they are fully grown?
how much do they cost and is it possible to recive one by christmas?
please, please contact me
thank you
I have just received my mini piglett this week - I have to say they are such fun , I have spent the weekend in stitches at her antics - my dogs are really good with her im not sre they understand what she is.. How clean to she goes to her paper to ... she is 8 weeks old and is the size of a sausage dog..
hey im from adelaide S.A and i would like to know how i can buy a minni pig and how much in australian dollars they would be.
All I have to say is....Wilbur!
I live in the states (KY). Have always loved pigs and
been waiting for a mini breed. Please e-mail info on
obtaining pigs.
if all of your coments are talking about pocket pigs you get them in pennywell farm which is in Devon but i dont nohow much they are nor any thing else (ec sept there so cute)so some one please email me the rest of the infoi need to get one (or more)here's my email address-
mandame un puerco culiao
I want one, how much, how long, ASAP I WANT ONE!!!!!!
I feel comfortable saying that if the gentlemen at Zooillogix actually had anything to do with breeding and selling these cuties, they would be readily in touch with anyone requesting information. They would also likely be very rich and would, thus, buy me beer. Since you have not heard from them and I'm still beerless, a logical conclusion is that they are not involved in the breeding and selling of these truly tiny piglets. My recommendation would be to expend your energy trying to get yourself one elsewhere, cuz it ain't gonna happen here.
That's actually not true, Juliagoolia. We have the pigs; We just don't feel like selling them right now. Maybe if people keep asking us, we'll finally give them up.
Oh! Can I get on the waiting list, please?
do the pigs stay that small cause there cute small!!
I really want to get a little baby piglet as a pet. They're so cute. And I've been reading articles about how people abuse such cute animals and it make me sick. Sick sick SICK!
I love little piglets. And cute pigs.
live in the states (KY). Have always loved pigs and
been waiting for a mini breed. Please e-mail info on
obtaining pigs.
im interested in bying a pair of the small pigs for my daughter.
i was wondering how big they actualy grow to and if you would kindly email me back with the details like what the price is and how big the mini pigs actualy grow to thanks
colleen trayers
they are so cute!
email me so i can get one!
Please E-mail me on the price of one of these pigs.
I am one of the commenters who might get one!
I think they are gorgeous. where can we see them or even look into buying a pet pig?
many thanks
I am very interested in buying one of your pigs. I live in paris. Please e-mail me back about information in buying one in paris.
I think those pigs are so cute but I do not want to buy one even though they are so cute. With there little snout there and there spots there.
Hi.. I was wondering how large these pigs get full grown? My little sister wants one so bad and I need all the details!!! Thank you
they are soooo deeeeeeeelicious!
hi my famlie and 1 was thinking about geting a mini pop belly pig but we can not find them any where we want to buy a girl and a boy so if you have any pigs please e mail me thank you
hi my famlie and 1 was thinking about geting a mini pop belly pig but we can not find them any where we want to buy a girl and a boy so if you have any pigs please e mail me thank you
hi my famlie and 1 was thinking about geting a mini pop belly pig but we can not find them any where we want to buy a girl and a boy so if you have any pigs please e mail me thank you
Hey they are so cute:) I want one also !
I Have Been Searching Everywhere For a Small Pig Of My own And Now I Have Found You!
I Am Very Very Interested In Purchasing A Small Pig And Would Really Appriciate It If You Could Contact Me Via Email To Give Me More Details...
Look Forward To Hearing From You
I want one give me a address and ill send the money
I just want to know how much the miniature pigs cost because i would like to bye one from your farm. If you could please send bck the amont.
Hi, i have been looking for a pet pig for a while now. I would like to know more about your pigs at your farm. I would realy like to have you send back an Email about your farm and how much it would cost to bye one from you if you are selling any. I want to have a boy and a girl so that it will not be to lonly.
I live in Ohio and would really like a pair! If anyone has any info please e-mail me at! Thanks
I absoulotley love your pigs! On my farm the pigs get to big to fast. I would lllooovvveeeone.If there is any info e-mail me at
I would like to know how I can go about getting one of your pigs
I would like to know how I can go about getting one of your pigs. Please email me at if you could help me
i realllllllllly want one for my birthday, but i live in WV. please send me info to my email so that i can let my parents know, so they can buy me one or maybe even a pair.
My Birthday is coming up and I have been asking for a pig, I would like to know how I can go about getting one of your pigs.Please email me back at and let me know the price. I would also like to know how much they weigh now and what is the average height and weight.I look forward in hearing from you
Please, please, please do NOT sell me a pig.
I have been wanting a piglet for so long. can you give me yo digits so i can get one?(:
I want a teacup pig. I live in an apatment so the pets allowed are 10 lbs at most. I have seen teacup pigs and my boyfriend agreed to letting me get one. I have heard that many people will buy a "teacup" pig, and it ends up huge. I am very serious about adopting an actual teacup mini tiny pig. I have a whole room set aside for a at max 10 lbs teacup mini tiny pig. I heard that they could be litter box trained, is that true or fiction? Also I live in Oregon so I am curious where the best place to buy an AKC teacup mini tiny pig, or at least papers that would prove in court, if the pig grows larger than what expected. I am dying to have one of these pigs, I just moved and go to school and work full time so it gets lonely at home (boyfriend is the same). I would either bring my pig with me to work, or at a friends who owns small dogs and yard, with constant supervision. My pig would be very spoiled and happy. I hate people who buy or adopt a pet and dont love them the way they should be. Please help....?
Thank you so much,
Sincerely Jordann
I want a teacup pig. I live in an apatment so the pets allowed are 10 lbs at most. I have seen teacup pigs and my boyfriend agreed to letting me get one. I have heard that many people will buy a "teacup" pig, and it ends up huge. I am very serious about adopting an actual teacup mini tiny pig. I have a whole room set aside for a at max 10 lbs teacup mini tiny pig. I heard that they could be litter box trained, is that true or fiction? Also I live in Oregon so I am curious where the best place to buy an AKC teacup mini tiny pig, or at least papers that would prove in court, if the pig grows larger than what expected. I am dying to have one of these pigs, I just moved and go to school and work full time so it gets lonely at home (boyfriend is the same). I would either bring my pig with me to work, or at a friends who owns small dogs and yard, with constant supervision. My pig would be very spoiled and happy. I hate people who buy or adopt a pet and dont love them the way they should be. Please help....?
Thank you so much,
Sincerely Jordann
Do you know where i can buy a miniture pig?
Where can i perchase a pair of minature pigs from and how big are they when fully grown.
My daughters are in 4H and want to raise an animal. What is the average cost and are they able to be potty trained? Also what would it cost to get one shipped to Missouri? Thank you.
I once saw these advertised about 20 years ago in a magazine which I lost. I have tried everything to find out who breeds these dear little pigs since then.
Please can you tell me where I can get a pair of these adorable pigs.It would be a dream come ture
evden eve nakliyat
evden eve nakliyat
evden eve nakliyat
evden eve nakliyat
paylaÅım için teÅekkürler..
please send me the number so i can buy some?
I would like to know where to get one and how much they cost?
how much do u charge for one mini pig.
please tell me how to get them!!!
hello jerry,
i offer you to buy all my shares at 30$.
itâs a real bargain. 20% below fair value.
will you plase contact me immediately ?
i would be very happy to make you richer.
I am looking to buy a pig and need to know where I can find a mini one that will stay small. If you know where I can buy one please contact me.
I just wanted to ask you, could u please tell me if they are for sale, if yes how much would you want for them??
I have been searching everywhere for a small pet pig of my own and then i came across this article.
I am very interested in purchasing a mini pig. I would apprecitate it if you could contact me via email with how i could purchase one from you.
Look forward to hearing from you.
Hello, i would love one of these little piglets for my little boy, it would be great if you could contact me via email with how i could purchase one and where i can get one from, hope to hear from you soon, thankyou.
I have heard that many people will buy a "teacup" pig, and it ends up huge. I am very serious about adopting an actual teacup mini tiny pig. we allready have 2 but turned out to be 35 to 40 ilbs we would really love another one but a reall teacup piglet
thanks stevie
how much are these little pigs and where would i get one from?
Can you please tell me where i can get these wonderful babies from and how much they are, have been trying for a number of years to buy one even more. they are my dream come true.
A mini pig isn't a dream come true?
It could definitely be a dream come true to some people. My disbelief is that people are STILL posting on this thread asking to be contacted with more information. Maybe I should focus that energy on why it bothers me so much.
That is âcuteâ but I Still wondering⦠How much humans can play God, just for his own entertainment? Are this is against nature?
I love these mini pigs!
I have to get one!
Were are they from ?
Can u send them 2 england ?
What do u feed them on ?
How much 4 a pair ? Wb
hi there, are these minature pigs still for sale?? if so is there a waiting list?
I would love to know more about the purchasing process.
evden eve nakliyat
awwwwww they are so cute i would love to purchase one but dont know how or where to get one. One of my teachers has six that she takes everywhere pretty soon i would love to get one of those adorable creatures very soon please email me asap because i dont know if i can wait any longer to have one of those cute little joyful animals in my hands any longer thank you for your time plz email back thanks a bunch
letha :P
I currently have a large pot belly pig and am truly in love with pigs. Please Please tell me how to get one of these little darlings.
I have the money and can't wait to hear from you.
Thank you
omg omg omg i want one for a pet
I would like to buy one of these next month, please contact me a.s.a.p.
My three year old son has been bugging us for a can we get one of these????
can we get a pair for at least 50 dollars or just one please please please my mom has wanted on seen s she was a girl and its her birthday
Hello Sir,I just saw the little cuties and I would love to have a pair I grew up on a farm untill I was 11 yrs old Then my dad passed away and my mom couldn't handle raising her 10 children and running a farm so she sold everything .So I've been looking for a way to have pigs in the house then I stummbled upon your site .I think what you are doing is awsome and I would love to buy a pair if they don't cost to much .I just want my children to experiance alittle joy of owning some so sweet
Thank You
Nancy Leasure [Cecil Pa]
Dear All, I am a new Micro pig breeder in Essex United Kingdm. I currently own 15 and my first litter is expected in August 2009. They are the same as the pigs mentioned in the article - please note that these pigs do grow up - all pigs are tiny when first born like any animal. Fully grown they are the size of a cocker spaniel unless you overfeed them, then they get bigger! email me on to go on the waiting list or if you have any questions. Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks Jane
WOW! My brother inlaw just got a mini pig, down in florida. I so badly want one, but I think I will wait, they seem like a big responsibility, more so than a dog or cat. I dont know if my family would have time to clean up all the mess they leave. They are so cute though, and I am a hardcore animal lover!
can you buy these pigs in the U.S.
how much are they
how long will they live?
would they a good pet
what do they eat?
these piggies are sooo cutee[=
pigs are my fav. animal and this just makes me like them more.
i want.
As with many others purchasing one of these tiny miracles would be wonderful. I think a tiny pig would be the perfect pet. The questions most are asking... how much, for the piglet, shipping, and additional information appreciated.
please can i buy on i have wanted one all my life max price £50 please email me if not please give me a site that yo can buy them for that price thankyu xx
There's something very disturbing about this.
Namely, abc news having caught on to a story from 2007.
And using photos from 2007.
Slow news day?
Oh, and something for the clueless people who want to buy one: you can't.
From the farm's site, which 20 seconds with google could have found for you and which answers all your questions so you don't have to spam them in random blog comments:
Jeeebus. What is it with the combination of unusual animals and people immediately wanting to buy them for their spoilt kids?
tabela, totem ve diÄerleri.
Yeah greta is pig:):)
Thanks you
My three year old son has been bugging us for a can we get one of these?
Bizim köyde çok var bunlardan ya , köylüler gece ava gidiyolar vallahi ,bostana tarlaya saldırıyo namussuzar.
do the pigs stay that small cause there cute small
You clearly are not familiar with the most recent dollar fluctuations and current facetious exchange rate.
Hmmm....I think it's best science leaves the animals alone and not try toexploit them at all. So even though the piglets are cute, it's not natural and to me anything that's not natural is nice. God said we must take care of animals and if need be eat them, but not abuse them.
Hmmm....I think it's best science leaves the animals alone and not try to exploit them at all. So even though the piglets are cute, it's not natural and to me anything that's not natural is NOT nice. God said we must take care of animals and if need be eat them, but not abuse them.
they are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute where can i get one i luve their cute faces .
I had a potbellied pig in 1992, she was the best pet I ever had. My husband and I would love to add these to our family, any information would be greatly appreciated!
You clearly are not familiar with the most recent dollar fluctuations and current facetious exchange rate.
Thanks you :)
Omg.. i am so obsessed with pigs... my fiance calls me one. and i have a million and one pigs stuffed animals... and i have been wanting a pig... but they are too big.. this makes it completly possible... omg.. i am so in love
hello im very interested in buying one and wanted to know if u had any left and about how much it would be in cdn. dollars
i don't know anything about these poor things, but i predict only bad things coming from this! think of all of the health issues that these animals will have (e.g. think chihuahuas w/ their skulls so tiny that their brain presses against their eyes until they begin to bulge out. or think pugs whose noses are so smooshed into their faces that they have ridiculous amounts of respiratory problems.)
when are we going to learn to stop selfishly trying to fulfill our absurd wants and that we can't push the genetic and physiological limits of other species just because we want them to fit easily into our purse?
yes, they're cute and fun for us...but let's please consider their value of life and their health..there is a reason that extreme phenotypes don't usually make it evolutionarily...
How big are the pigs when full growen?
I really want to buy a pair of piglets like these so can you please tell me how much they would be???
i love the pink and black pig!!!
i said i love the pig and i really want to buy one!!
Hello Jerry,
I am excited to see you have the pygmy pigs for sale.
I am really interested in buying one, but will be happy to buy two.
I own a cat and a dog and am a true animal lover.
Please contact me a.s.a.p to arrange ownership.
Many thanks
Tel 07957 243882
i want one
when are we going to learn to stop selfishly trying to fulfill our absurd wants and that we can't push the genetic and physiological limits of other species just because we want them to fit easily into our purse?
think of all of the health issues that these animals will have (e.g. think chihuahuas w/ their skulls so tiny that their brain presses against their eyes until they begin to bulge out. or think pugs whose noses are so smooshed into their faces that they have ridiculous amounts of respiratory problems.)
yes, they're cute and fun for us...but let's please consider their value of life and their health..there is a reason that extreme phenotypes don't usually make it evolutionarily...
A teacup pig......perhaps
But a teacup alligator could be a hit!!!!!!!!!
when are we going to learn to stop selfishly trying to fulfill our absurd wants and that we can't push the genetic and physiological limits of other species just because we want them to fit easily into our purse?
I love these mini pigs!
I have to get one!
when are we going to learn to stop selfishly trying to fulfill our absurd wants and that we can't push the genetic and physiological limits of other species just because we want them to fit easily into our purse?
thank youI have to get one!
OMG!they r cute but u people r cruel!we shouldnt take advantage of wat we can do and change animals,u wouldnt like a pig say oh yes we should make mini humans and force them to eat wat we want and wear clothes!?!All animals should be free and we should leave them alone they should be able to walk through streets without getting captured!they were here first,just because to us theyre dumb actually!WE CAN ONLY TALK TO OUR SPECIES...AND SO CAN ANIMALS SOOO ACTUALLY WERE THE SAME THEY JUST R CLEVER IN THIER OWN WAY!and those r just babies soon they will be adults 200lb pigs running through ur house!this is cruel dont buy them its just mean and no im not a vegertarian i luv meat....but i sometimes think of the animal and dont eat it. DONT BUY THE PIGS!?!
Animal experimentation is sick and if you are an animal experimentist, you should be the one getting experimented on. DO NOT TEST YOUR STUPID COSMETICS ON THESE LITTLE PIGGIES!!!!
better than a hamste
Oh my god, they are numbered now! Endless fun!
C'mere little piggy, momma's got some new lipstick to try...
They are so sweet.I need to buy to my girlfriend.She has hamste,she will love this too.
People know how to earn money.I think genetical engineers can do everything with playing DNA.Lets see what animals we will see in future
I love these mini pigs!
Do you want save dogs?Visit my website
I keep hoping someone will develop a perma-kitten.
must. have. mini. piggy.
You clearly are not familiar with the most recent dollar fluctuations and current facetious exchange rate.
How much are they????
I was wondering if you had anymore for sale please let me know. Thanks so much.
They are so sweet.I need to buy to my girlfriend.She has
hamste,she will love this too.
i love the pink and black pig!!!
I just hope and pray people take the time to understand that these pigs grow up and grow up big. Imagine a medium size dog stuffed with lead weights.
Please don't all go rushing out to buy a mini because it looks cute or has the word "micro" or "teacup" in its name. Owning one of these animals is a big responsibility, starting with researching and knowing what a teacup or micro pig really is.
These little creatures are amazing i want one of them too :)
I love these mini pigs!
very funny :))
thank you very much
I love these mini pigs!
thank you
Pigletta would be a good name. Po Boy (as in the swamich) would be a good name for a boy pig. Maybe I could train them to hop in and run around in a hogey bun?
These little creatures are amazing i want one of them too :)
La Aynısı Bende Var :)
CUTE! I want one.
I'd love to know how big they get..
I'm also waiting on the making of mini elephants and pandogs (panda-dog)
its so cute like this
Is this the bloke responsible for the transfer of the SWINE VIRUS to HUMANS?
No. It's this kid....…
omg i soo want this pigg
and i think that it is veryy cute
please tell me how much they are
I'd love to know how big they get..
I'm also waiting on the making of mini elephants and pandogs (panda-dog)
How can I buy one of these pigs? How much do they cost? I am very interesed.
vallaha aynısı bendede var
This is so cute I could cry
Where can I get one?
yorum çöplüÄüne dönmüŠlan bura
May they have swine flu?
I dont like pifs, I like cats, dogs, cows, sheep!
heyyy i just wanted to say I love pigs!! Toodles!!
O my gosh!!!! I never thougght food could be so cute! I want one so so bad ima save up for one wait how much do they cost and how big do they get? IS there a possiblity that they have swine flu??? If anyone knows the answers to these comment and make it out to Kortni...
i LOVE pigs/piglets and have been working with
sows and thier babies for over 2 years...
your mini pigs are very cute HOW BIG DO THEY GET???
I have fallen in love with your pocket pigs. Is it at all possible to purchase two - I live in the U.S. I can assure you that they would be very well loved!
Sincerely, Kristen
i realy want a mini pig but i need all te detailsabout them(cost, size they grow to, where to get them from ect...)
my mum might say no but if i show her a few pics it might soften her up please send me some info, pics and advise
Thank you.
hi i love pigs . im 12 turning 13 i love pigs so much that i have collected 160 pigs . when ever i can i buy a pig . when igrow up i am going to buy pigs and beed them to be in movies "ONLY" . LIKE BABE the pig . i loved those movies any ways . i just wanted to say i love your mini pigs and i hope to be able to buy one or to . when posible. sincerely ,taylor hogan lake elsinore CA united states 92530
i have been looking on websites to try and buy one
but i dont no how big they grow i want them to stay small
pigs are my fave animal in the whole world and they are going through a tuff time rite now because of swine flu
its not there fault the disease started it was the farmers for not looking after them properly
these mini pigs r so cute i realy want one but aparntly they grow 2 the siza of a labrador
and i want 1 realy small
If they can make them small can they make them bigger? that'd be so sweet so much more bacon... Mmmmmm also pig sized Elephants that'd be like ten times better. wtf am i doing? How'd i get here? I was supposed to do my law homework... Robert Pickton is creepy by the way. But yeah this cool, i really want some ham now.
omg i have never see anything like it before i want one tell me where i can get one no joke i will adopt it call my dad and i will definitly get it i am a little young so call my dad
once again the good people do nothing. They do nothing because if you were really good you would give ,me lil oinkers no joke even call grany she works to keep your potty clean so give us a call oncce again the good people did nothig
hello i really want a little oinker and i would appreciate it if you would give me one for 1 penny i will pay u in a tip of $5 plese please please ily byee
i would love one i would charig it sooo much plese im beggin
please email me back the information on how to by these pigs please
ive always been told that i couldnt have a pet pig
because they were too big now someday i might be able
to have one. WOOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i want a pair also .. pls let me know where to get them
They were "the pets of the future" then. I guess everything that's old becomes new again. Pigs are smarter than any cat of dog (and probably some people as well). They get into trouble that would never occur to a dog. They can be affectionate and are social critters.
i LOVE animals and my 13th birthday is coming up in August and my mom said if we could find a baby pot belly pig, that would be my birthday present... so, if you know anyone who can get me a pig, let me know please!!! =]
hello, i LOVE animals, and my 13th birthday is coming up in August and my mom said tha if we can find a baby pot belly pig, that would be my birthday present! so, if u know anyone that can get me a pig, let me know please!!!! =]
Could you show a picture of the Mother so I can see how big they get. Thankyou best wishes Wendy.
I am interested in buying a baby pig and would like more information about this if you could please let me know. Thank You for your time....
thats awkward
Hi i was wondering what the health risks are and how large they will be and what to feed them and HOW DO I GET ONE are you going to bread more?
Pigs are ADORABLE i love them
I am very interested in these pigs.
Would you please let me know how much and
more information about them.
awww... i want 1!!! thats an awsum idea! how big is a full grown 1???
No, this too unreal to be real. I never thought a pig could be cute, but these baby mini pigs are kitten and puppy level cute. Even the little snouts are cute.
have a question that next generation has the right to live and will survive in clean and pure air?if yes the why yes? and if not then why not? plz ans me with examples
Thanks you
ive always been told that i couldnt have a pet pig
because they were too big now someday i might be able
to have one
gimme! gimme!
the pigs is dirty.. I dont like..
how do i get one?
I have 2 of them for sale so yes, they are real. I live in Atlanta, GA so if you are interested email me at
Dos anyone know how big they get? i would love one but i would need to know how big they get!
will you take $50 dolars for the cutie tiny pig.
could you please tell me if there is anyone in england that sells tea cup pigs and a contact address or phone number.
i really like those miniature pigs. and i may be considering buying one. but i live far, how would i get it to where i live? i live in pheland.
I have one of these pigs they are great animals. They are very smart and i looooooveee them infact i am getting a second. you should think about getting one and they are cheap 5000 dollars.....
please e-mail me I want to buy one!
i really really want one but i wonder if there for sale
very very very cute
yes im very interested in this progress i really really want a pig. my mom and dad said maybe. im so exited!!!!!
This is really cruel!!! I cant believe they would do this!! They are really cute but its still mean =*(
i love pigs they are my fav. animal if you breed any more send me one i want one as a pet!
hi my name is greg and i am 14. I love animals with a passion and my whole life i have wanted a tiny pig. I have two brothers who no longer live at home, so it is just my mum my dad and me. It gets lonely, because my parents always work, So i just want something to love and care for. i live in South Africa.
I hope to hear back from you.
Thank you so much for reading this.
i want one! how do you go about getting one???
I have always wanted a mini pig.
I tried getting on the waiting list, but never got a responce. I live in the US. do you ship? please respond. that would be wonderful.
thanks much.
Hi, i have been looking into buyinh a mini pig for some time now, do you have any for sale, if not will you have any in the future? how much? thank you.
were can i buy a miniture pig in
I love these mini pigs!
I have to get one!
I want one please let me know where I can get one
can i buy a mini pig in canada? please reply.
Ja chce taka ;( a w polsce nie ma, jak macie namiary na hodowle to podeslijcie linka
sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo CUTE i want one so bad
do you have a animal for free i can adopt right now
baby pigs are my fave animal ever i hav a baby pig cos i live on a farm and she is called ecle she is layed on my lap right now and i have the biggest cage ever in my bed room so wen it rains ecle can sleep in it lol i love her
I bought a pot-bellied pig in 1994. I was assured she would never ever exceed 40lbs fully grown. She's now a trim 110lbs. Some are 300+. Don't ever believe what the breeders tell you, it's in their interest to LIE!!!!
Why take a perfectly delicious animal and make inedible??
i want one of these so bad how do you go about buying one?? anyone or how do you get on the waiting list??
I want a pair. How can i get one? If anyone knows email me and let me know please..
I'm desperately looking for a pennywell miniature piggy, can anybody help me with info on how to get one in South Africa, PLEASE !
hello i would like to buy one of the minipigs, can you tell me where can i found themn and how much are they?please i really want one
I would't like to have one of those. They look gross
holy crap! those are sooo cute!!! how big do they get!! i want one, where an i get one of those little pigs!! how much are they...
The pigs that are shown in photograph are really cute. I would really like to have one of those at my house. Please share with us the information more about these little wonders. Some more photographs if you can add would be good.
I am aspecialist Micro Pig Breeder in teh UK and have litters always ready. Go to my website for full details.
thank you very much
Its sooooo cute!
does it get any bigger?
i want one!!!
There- you guys want one- be ready to shell out more than 150 bucks, you're looking at about 4 grand for a single piggy- at least from this breeder.
they grow to 35cm long and 40cm high
wher can i get one?
very good page perde ile ihtiyaçlarınıza neperde yanınızda
where can i get one?
I am looking for a pair of mini-pigs. If you (or you know of somwhere) where I can get some please email me and let me know. Thanks, Susan
very interested in pigs. please get in touch!
I bet they're very tasty too. But it would probably take a lot of them to make a full meal.
These pigs are so sweet!, never fancied getting a dog or a cat, but a pig is perfect. really must have please send me email if you have any for sale please xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
All the pictures I could find show obviously INFANT pigs - the only pictures I could find of adult ones looked just like pigs. Which are not cute. I have raised pigs, and people who say they are clean and smart and friendly are crazy. They are mean - vicious,actually - filthy and only care about food. Not to mention the smell - bring one home, keep it in your house and you will never ever get the smell out of your clothes and your furniture. Stick with a dog or cat from a rescue.
........people still post in this topic? O_O
hi im lucy im just wondering as im thinking of get one of these micro pigs and im not sure if they have to have injections to go out side like dogs do before you take them for walks and do i have to have a special lience to keep one as a pet let me no asap
Can someone please tell me how/where I can get a pair? Seriously.
omg i luv teacup pigs there sooooo cute anyone knows how much it will cost or where to get one e-mail me b-cuz i luv teacup pigs i really really luv em
hey im truning 13!!!!! and i cant dicdieed if i want a pink baby pig like yours or a ginna pig??? But i love your pigs. how old are they now????? please reapond baack if u can!!!
Thnk you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do they sell in the USA how much and how long do they live ??
How big grow these pigs ? Where can buy in South England ? Somebody can recommend me any good farm ? Best if near Bournemouth
im from australia and was wanting to no can u get them here? how do i go about getting a pair and how much in aus $. thanks
OMG i really want to get to you get these as pets
Thanks for article
hi i am interested how do you get one of these as pets?
I love this piggy!!
if i want to buy this pig how do i get it, where from, and how much .?
Important note: They are not genetically engineered, just small piggies bred with other small piggies over and over again. Inbred, probably, but not from a lab, surprisingly enough.
how cuuuuuuuuuuuuutttttttttttteeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
how cuuuuuuuuuuuuutttttttttttteeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
More thorough article located here:…
Thanks for articlesss
These pigs look tasty roasted.
$150 is about 75 pounds. I know the dollar is weak, but I'm sure 150 bucks is worth more than a newspaper and packet of chewing gum.
Posted by: V Profane | March 4, 2008 8:29 AM
You clearly are not familiar with the most recent dollar fluctuations and current facetious exchange rate.
Posted by: Andrew | March 4, 2008 10:34 AM
It was obviously a typo. At the current rate; 1:0.61
$150 USD is apprpraitely valued at GBP 92.11
The dollar hasn't quite fallen that far yet, lol. f you believe $150 is only GB 1.5, you need to re-check your info.
I am very interested im these adorable little piggys. looks like youve been asked this alot but i would really appreciate some additional information on how to get one and costs and things like that. please reply soon!!
i would like to buy one the weekend of 24th of oct but i need to no wear and how much
its very beautiful pigs.
Are you still selling the minis ? any info would be great, How big are the Parents now? I want a pair.
please tell me where i could buy a couple piggies in canada
Do Mini Pigs root in the ground like big baryard pigs? I want a small sized pig for a gardening buddy to root in, and turn my compost pile. I did not get a Pot Bellied Pig because they do not have the rooting behavior. Also, how well do Mini Pigs tolerate cold? I live in northern Minnesota where we have snow at least four months of the year, and below zero temperatures for about two months. Would my piggy need to live in the house all winter? How well do Mini Pigs get along with other animals? I have two dogs, a cat, a quail, and some pet rats that already live in the house with me.
Omg i have to have one iv always wanted a piggie :) to bad im so far away.
paylaÅım için teÅekkürler
mükemmel teÅekkürler ederim
i lov it please can i have it please give me the details of it
My dad is buying me and my lil sis a hen each and a mini pig for me, him, mum and little sister for xmas.=]
Bayleigh if u really wanna know where thy r then look up miniature pigs for sale UK that's where we ordered r's
Samantha i liv up glosta and im gettin wun ordered from yorkshire.=]
my place is gonna b like a mini zoo, i got 2 buck rabbits one guinea pig one snake, and were gettin another pitbull x staff, 2 hens and a mini pig........... but then and again my grandad got 23 rabbits and 3 guinea pigs, and dont even go thr bout askin me to name dem all.=]
sorry peeps i forgot to mention my animal lover granddads cat that makes 27 pets and is soon breedin sum mor rabbits.=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]
sweet and cute they are wery speccial and beautiful
how do i get my hands on one of these lil angels! iv decided wot pet i want ^_^ how much are they beautiful!!!!
DONT EAT THE PIGLETS!!!! there sooooooooooo cute
How do I get on of those cute piglets! How much?
Thank you..
looks pretty good for people with useful advise everyone to read thanks administrator
thanks for articles
Thanks for articles
I love these little guys, they are so cute. I love spreading the word about these because they truly are such great pets.
I want one SOOOO BAD!!!
omg!! How do I get one!?!?
omg i have never see anything like it before i want one tell me where i can get one no joke i will adopt it call my dad and i will definitly get it i am a little young so call my dad
I saw these on Tyra! I am so getting a pair once I get my own house!! =] They are so freaking adorable!
I'd definitely consider having one or two of these pigs, once I had a yard. I'm sure that my fiancée would be willing to accept them.
Bayleigh if u really wanna know where thy r then look up miniature pigs for sale UK that's where we ordered r's
Where may I buy them?
They are very cute can i have 2 they would look brill on my farm in county durham i have a very large pig at the moment wonder what pinky would think to them
Aww that is so cute...i want one...maybe for christmas lol but really they are seriously cute! But i doubt that it will stay that small!
would love a couple of them running round my garden with my chickens. how and where can i buy them
a good pictures. thanks for share.
very nice pictures. Thank you for sharing
i would love to have a minature pig where can i buy one, and how much will it be??
great thank you. I wish you continued success
they are the cutest things ever!!!!!! where can i buy one!
Check this site out for actual size...
where can i buy a minature pig in canada
This pig is sooooooooooooo cute!!!!
I want one
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh these are the most cutest things in the world i want one lol xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
how could i get a pair of these amazing pigs. th only thing is do you ship them because i live in the US.
how could i get a pair of these cute little piggies. Can you ship them to the US.
people they are pets. NOT FOOD!! Ok, so please not to be racist so I wont mention any names but we don't want these to be the treated like dogs in *some where in asia..*
DR DUCK!!, your sick... eeww : - 0
thanks much ;)
awwwww we want one sooooooooc badlyyyyyyyy can some help me come with AN IDEA to get my dad to want one?
I love spreading the word about these because they truly are such great pets.
A controversial teaching program linked to an alleged cult leader managed to slip into 44 New York City public schools because it didn't cost enough to trigger detailed background checks, school officials said yesterday.
"We are extremely proud to announce that Paris Hilton animal lover extraordanair has purchased a Dandie Extreme Piglet!
Lisa and I are very excited to be delivering her piglet to her
knowing that Paris will give her lots of love and a wonderful home and care.
Congratulations Paris!"
I liked this article you riot.
Do you ship outside of England? If it can be done with no harm to the pigs I would like 2 please!
Do you ship to the United States because I know my mother in law would like to have a pair... She will take one and I will take the other...
okayy lol heres a qq>< if you get a mini little pigg what food do you gostaa feed at lol.ARE the playful do tha bite??? ya should have more on here than taht llol ok well yea??
What great pigs you have! I want one. I would love to know more details towards owning a dwarf pig.
little pig looks cute:) I'm sorry now because of the swine flu.
yhay are so cute i whant one so bad
<3i love pigs<3
sooo i have yet to figure out how big they actually get.
anyone? an honest answer please!
thanks!!!!!!!!!!! for your
yhay are so cute i whant one so bad
I live in canada and i want to know where i can buy a mini pig???
I live in canada and i want to know where i can buy a mini pig???
simdi bu alana bir seyler yazacagim sende bunu onaylayacaksin.
i am interested in getting a pair (couple) of miniature pigs. I live in Geneva and have two children who also love animals. How should i proceed ??
I am interested in a breeding pair for my farm...I also raise miniture sheep...
How may I aquire?
Hello, just wanting to know if you stll have any miniature pigs? My daughters been wanting a small pig. How big does this kind get? And how much? Just email me at
I Have Been Dying to Have a Potbelly Pig But These are 100 Times Better! I Need To Have a Set of These Pigs. Please Contact.
i would love to have one but i need the info about how to get one
i want one.! how can i get one.? who sells them.? someone please contact me if yu hav one of two of them. thanx.!
I Have Been Dying to Have a Potbelly Pig But These are 100 Times Better! I Need To Have a Set of These Pigs. Please Contact.
I think your pigs are really cute! I ve been wanting one all my short little life you see Im only nine years old so that makes sence. I hope to get one of your pigs.Please send me a little bit of information.Oh and I live in Canada/Grande Prairie. Once again thanks.
Hi its me again I wanted to ask you how big do they get? Oh and here is my email adress so you can email me some information about them once again thanks.
i love the pigs they r soo cute i wish i could ave but i have heard that they r a big handfull again they r like adorable i hope to get one of your pigs but my mom said that i cannot get one i want one really bad i want a pig to be my pet i would take so good care of it i have just wanted one just for my little life i am only 8 so that does make sice
hi my names Samantha and i am interested in getting one of your pigs that you have, but how big do they get? if you could please get in touch i would be most greatful, thanks!
Aware of opportunities in the hands of the securities
Want to take away HerÅeyini
That insidious
I think that selling this pogs is very cruel because they obviously want to stay with their mother especially if they aren't going to be made into tommorows dinner. I mean, we wouldn't like it if someone came along and just brought us and take us away from our family. So I think Mr Chris Murray should keep them, and if he's just going to breed them and sell them then he shouldn't breed them in the first place!
This is just horrible trying to get those poor little helpless animals to pose for a camera you should be ashamed of yourself. How would you feel being forced to get your picture taken. Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaddddddddddddddddd Move dude.
in pic. four the pig to the far left is screaming your a horrible person but the pigs are cute i would like one please contact me
Hi,interested to bring this cute mini pigs into singapore.
please email me the details and infomation of the mini pigs.
How do u get 1???? Very Interested !
I am interested in purchasing a mini pig. Please advise as to how I can make this a reality.
Thank you very successful and useful site I have received the necessary information â¦
Where insulation was needed around window and door frames, instead of using the usual pink fiberglass they employed a cotton insulation,
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I am looking for a pair of pocket pigs any one know where to get them?
can u please email me with some info on where to get one of these cute pigs
Very Interested ! thanks
were can i get one i LOVE pigs