Monkey Waiter Makes Me Sad for Some Reason

Hat tip to Kevin Z.

More like this

It's little sad at the beginning but later in the evening the simian barman grins to all your jokes and cheers you in your singing...

I too felt a bit sad, but watching the monkey smile eased some of that. It looked like it got some enjoyment out of it (at least when it got the food it liked). However...

A planet where waiters evolved from monkeys! "Oh noes - they want our jobs!" [snooty voice] - "well, I guess that shows that some people did come from monkeys..."

(Maybe PETA can hold a stunt where they use women as the monkeys... oh wait.... )

Okay, so some of those aren't funny, but considering some political views, they did come to mind.

Why would seeing a social quadruped isolated, forced to wear clothing and walk bipedally while carrying heavy loads in a crummy Japanese bar make you sad? It's so cuuuute!

Will work for onigiri.

Even though its smiling, that means something completely different in their little world.
Where as in ours its a smile, in monkey land its a sign of aggression, so really he wants to kill them all. lol

By TheMuffinMan (not verified) on 22 Oct 2008 #permalink