Census of Marine Life

Surely, you've heard about the Census of Marine Life, a 10 year long effort to "assess and explain the diversity, distribution, and abundance of marine life." You may have wondered why it took until 2000 to launch such a project, or why you didn't think to do it first.

This epic venture (which we've posted about here and here) is quickly coming to a close... snorkles are being given one last clean-out blow, goggles are getting a final spit rub, and wetsuits are being signed with "be-cool-stay-in-fish-schools." To mark the occasion, COML provided an end of the year press release last week, the full version of which is a Zooillogix-Recommended read. The following incredible video was included in the press release.

My favorite comment on the YouTube page: "Damn nature, you scary!"

We're eagerly waiting to see the whole thing be revealed in London on October 4, 2010. We'd do live reporting if Andrew was allowed to leave the lower 48.

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