Wii Kills Dog, Then Dog Recovers

We're not going to go to in depth into this story, but it's worth a read.

Click for the Channel 9 News On Your Side report!

NVDH...the man!


More like this

Jesus dog.

Now if only we can get the Wii to come back to life after it dies....

Her first instinct was to call her neighbor Pene Honey for help.

I initially read that as "Money Penny". *sheepish grin*

"Wii Kills Dog, Then Dog Recovers"


This is my neighbor...

The whole story isn't told. She's had 3 dogs in the last year. She lives off Social Security and bilks the taxpayers for Thousands... This is another of her scams to get money. She's 40 and never had a job in her life. It's what she does for a living. The real story... would be a real story!!!

By Neighbor Hood (not verified) on 05 Feb 2009 #permalink