Four Stone Hearth Call for Submissions

i-eabb1f29b193e5ffd742784099f71575-upcoming_host-2.gifAt short notice, I've taken on hosting the next Four Stone Hearth blog carnival (about anthropology in the widest sense, including archaeology). It's supposed to come on-line on Wednesday. The carnival's home page currently doesn't reflect the change in scheduling, so you'll simply have to believe me.

There is one small problem. I haven't received a single submission yet. This means that I will have to hunt around pertinent blogs I'm aware of to find good new stuff. Please help me by sending links to good stuff, your own or somebody else's!


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Broadest possible sense? How about this post from Right of Center blog Tigerhawk about the all Native American paramilitary customs unit now detailed to track Bin Laden using indigenous knowledge?…

TH is my second cousin, though our politics differ, and he gets more hits in an hour than I do on a good day (low 4 digit Technorati rank). The comment thread is a hoot!

T-shirts and coffee mugs will be made available once I have 100 daily returning readers, my dear boy.

Tim, thanks for the link! Good stuff.