Atheist Blog Carnival Proliferation


Atheist bloggers have long had the Carnival of the Godless to publicise their work. Then came MoJoey's Atheist Blogroll. And now there's the Humanist Symposium carnival, whose first instalment came on-line the day before yesterday. If God hadn't wanted you to have contact with other atheists, then he clearly wouldn't have made all these blogging venues.

Although an atheist, I rarely feel moved to blog about my unfaith. You see, in Sweden, atheism is no big deal. Expressions of religious faith are the exception here, not the other way around. I believe in no gods, but nor do I believe in Santa Claus, and that would be a pretty crap subject for a blog entry.


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Sometimes, I don't understand the big deal about faith vs. unfaith. I'm not an atheist but a different type of non-theist: Gnostic Luciferian. I read a lot of atheist-based blogs and sites however, rarely do I find myself espousing my type of unfaith on the world. I suppose I just keep to myself because explaining myself is harder than it is for an atheist.

At least places like Sweden exist where most people don't seem to be bothered by your take on (un)faith.

I understand what you are saying about Sweden and envy what sounds like a fairly rational environment. I suspect this is why the majority of atheist blogs are written by Americans. Sadly, we are going through something of a dark ages revival right now where atheism is demonized and public expressions of religion are required for politicians to get elected.

Yeah, I know, it's really sad. Just look at the treatment MoJoey received at the airport when he was carrying a book about atheism. Even the cleaners hated him.

Is this the twilight of the American empire?

Go figure
As a believer, i like your blog all the same; fun, entertaining & interesting. Hope you don't mind me linking to it.