Weekend Fun

  • Celebrated the 257th anniversary of the Academy of Letters wearing tails.
  • Had a fine sunshine brunch on Folly Hill with my wife. The place was heavily dominated by couples born in the 70s and sporting toddlers / babies / big bellies, all probably from the expensive waterfront housing area nearby. The music was all 90s hits all the time.
  • Watched The Usual Suspects (1995), an OK gangster flick featuring an almost unrecognisably slim and fresh-faced Benicio del Toro who slurs his speech beyond what I thought possible.
  • Played Agricola with friends.

And you?


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One of my friends hosts a plant swap every year. All his gardening friends get together and bring plants to trade. The host provides coffee and coffee cake. It's a very convivial morning.

This year I traded timber bamboo, vinca minor, French sorrel, columbine and bleeding heart for autumn crocus, salal, horse radish, aster and mock orange. My vinca minor was very popular. All 4 pots were scooped up immediately and people were asking for more. Everyone brought really nice plants. The pot of horseradish I got was huge. I'll even have enough to harvest some this year.

This is one of my favorite events of the year. I save money by not buying new things at the nursery, I get to meet nice local gardeners and the host's coffee cake is delicious. Now I just need to figure out where to plant the mock orange!

I must admit that I came back to this blog after not reading it for awhile... and, not having read the previous articles, I got entirely the wrong mental image when I read the words "wearing tails."

Hope you had an enjoyable time.