Fornvännen's Summer Issue On-Line

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Shortly after Fornvännen 2012:1 reached subscribers on paper, issue 2011:2 has now been published on-line. Get thee there, Dear Reader, and read for free (not dearly)!

  • Joakim Wehlin on why some of Gotland's mightiest Bronze Age monuments were built next to the island's single megalithic tomb of the Early Neolithic.
  • Karl-Magnus Melin on ancient wells.
  • Torun Zachrisson makes an interesting suggestion as to where the church of Birka may have been located.
  • Jürgen Beyer tries to make sense of some semi-literate 16th century epigraphy in Plattdeutsch on Gotland.
  • Tryggve Siltberg criticises Anders Andrén's view of Medieval social structure in rural Gotland.
  • Staffan von Arbin & Hans Linderson present the Medieval shipwreck in Jorefjorden (you read about it here first!)
  • Herman Bengtsson identifies the architect's portrait in Uppsala Cathedral.
  • Magnus Green traces the fate of some English ecclesiastical embroidery in a Swedish rural church after the Reformation.

More like this

Considering the wealth of new material in Fornvännen (and your busy scheldue displayed in a previous thread) we can now define the qualities needed for an archaeologist:

"It does not feel fear, or fatigue, or pain. And it absolutely *will not stop*, ever!"

(OT) "Foot bones allow researchers to determine sex of skeletal remains"
I don't know exactly how reliable this method is, considering the crossover of male/female morphology among individuals. If it stands up to scrutiny it should be very useful, especially for prehistoric burial sites of cultures where the gender roles are poorly known.

By Birger Johansson (not verified) on 01 Mar 2012 #permalink

Also very useful in the unfortunately common cases where grave robbers have known which end of each grave is likely to contain the upper body and associated jewellery, leaving only the legs for the archaeologist to find.

OT: Gangland
So this is why there are so many rock carvings of elk? The bronze-age people were just expressing their fear of elk raids.
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"Gang of thieving Swedish elk caught in the act"
Yes this is the constant terror we live under in the North...
(Ineviatble xenophobe comment: "Swedish" elk? I bet they were immigrant elk! Goddamn welfare-cheating elk from the south! :-)

By Birger Johansson (not verified) on 01 Mar 2012 #permalink

(OT) Sceptic alert! While the tomb may be unusual, it seems as if people are shoehorning a lot of interpretations into this single find.
"Tomb exploration reveals first archaeological evidence of Christianity from the time of Jesus"…
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"Women central part of pre-colonial Maya society"…

By Birger Johansson (not verified) on 05 Mar 2012 #permalink