Iowa Secularists take on ID

For the Iowa folks, the Iowa Secularists will be featuring a discussion of intelligent design (""The Wedge Strategy: How Intelligent Design threatens secularism") at their Annual Conference. The conference will be held July 15 in Johnston, Iowa; more information at the link.

(For those unfamiliar with the "Wedge Strategy" of the Discovery Institute, the document can be found here).

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Tara - I think a lot of the ID talking points can be overcome by using the "Wedgie Strategy". IMO, many of the DI Fellows were given wedgies by their classmates when they were in grade school and middle school, and their senseless ID babble is actually a cry for help and a longing to return to those days when they received a lot of actual attention from their peers.

I say give them what they want, give them Wedgies! And a "Swirley" for Buffalo Bill Dembski!