MRSA ST398 review article--free access

Just received an email from Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases saying that my recent article, The Emergence of Staphylococcus aureus ST398, will be available for free online for the next two weeks. It was submitted roughly a year ago so it's already a bit dated in this quick-moving field, but provides an overview of "livestock-associated" MRSA up to mid-2010 or so--including food-associated MRSA.

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Story of my life. A day late and $49 short. Looks like the offer ran out yesterday.

I can send it along if you like--just drop me an email.

Hello Dr.,Can you send me the article please as soon as possible,as i need to read it .

I am writing a research paper for my bachelors and would like to read your article. I chose MRSA because my son has been battling with this for years...