We have a winner!

Hi everyone. If I could kindly direct your attention to my brand new sweet-ass (heh!) banner. It is the work of dude named Ranger Jay, which indeed is an alias. He has done a swell job and I am most pleased.

Thank you to all of you who submitted banners! I appreciate you taking the time to put something together for me. Now to try and get some actual blog content together.

More like this

It's so... well, how can I put this.


Sorry, I'm slow and/or visually impaired. So please do tell: is it a new font? A change in kearning? Oh, maybe you added anti-aliasing? At first I thought the background was just a shade less pure white, but now I'm thinking maybe it is really the font color went from #ffffff to #fefefe.

The new banner still isn't up on any page but the home page. If you're reading this comment, for example, you won't see the new banner. Only on the main home page.