
Posts by this author
July 7, 2010
Sci has just tendered her letter of resignation to the Overlords at SEED. This was a very, very hard decision, and it hurts Sci more than she can say. Sci would like to let you know, though, that she hasn't given up blogging!!! She has merely moved back to her old digs. You can find her at…
July 6, 2010
A dangerous pastime, you know.
If you've been around the blog for the past day, I'm sure you've seen that there's been a new...blog...from PepsiCo. Sci's not sure what she thinks of it, but it's not positive. I know we had GE and Shell and stuff...but that felt different, somehow. Being as Sci…
July 2, 2009
Ok, I'll admit, this post is kind of stolen from the fabulous Ed Yong of Not Exactly Rocket Science, who just won the Association of British Science Writers' Best Newcomer award! Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, Ed. :)
Well, the post isn't stolen, but the subject is. And it's…
July 1, 2009
It wasn't until college that Sci first heard Wednesday referred to as "Hump Day".
She apologizes for a certain lack of hefty content in the latest series of posts. This thing, they call it "real" life", and it's getting in the way.
But there are some things you NEED to see.
1) The guys at Deep…
June 29, 2009
Today is the last day in the month of June, and so the last day that you can click on these awesome blogs, and have the proceeds go to Doctors Without Borders. So click once, or twice, or many many times!
The Intersection
On Becoming A Domestic And Laboratory Goddess
June 29, 2009
The call, half roar, half terrifying honk of annoyance, echoed across the room. From the depths of a warm, comfortable nest, the monster stirred. Something was prodding it out of its lurid, murky dreams.
"brrt, brrt, brrt...
...brrt, brrt, brrt..."
Snarling, the beast surged from the…
June 25, 2009
We know that a lot of organisms, from humans to bacteria to birds to bees, have lots of sex. But what has mystified scientists for years is WHY. I mean, it's fun and all (unless you're a poor beetle girl stuck with this), but what purpose does it serve? On the face of it, in fact, sex seems to…
June 25, 2009
Sci loves it when she's famous. This is mostly because it never happens in real life. But you will ALL know who Sci is when she TAKES OVER THE WORLD. Mwah ha ha ha.
I know I look cute and furry. Don't be fooled.
And now, as part of my new plan for world domination, there's an…
June 24, 2009
First off, how many is a "few"? I mean, I think of a "couple" as two, and a "few" as three. But what does that make five? "Some"?
Anyway, please head on over and congratulation Southern Fried Scientist for his Quark win!!! 3quarksdaily picked his post on dolphin-safe tuna for their…