Useful Post-Election Links


I expected that by now, last night's events would have sunk in. They haven't. So I've spent the morning cruising the intertubes.

DC's Newseum archives the front pages of major newspapers across the country - you can see their gallery of front pages here today, and can search for Nov. 5 at later dates. However, the intertubes seem clogged this morning, so you may have better luck loading the gallery slideshow of the best-designed front pages, put together by Robb Montgomery. He also includes international papers.

The full text of Barack Obama's victory speech in Chicago is here.

The full text of John McCain's gracious concession speech is here.

And the NY Times has a zoomable, draggable county-by-county map of the US with election returns going back to 1992: the very embodiment of beautiful data. They also have a well-done slideshow on their homepage showing how the election results have changed over time, but I can't find a permalink to it.

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The full text of John McCain's gracious concession speech is here.

His speech was gracious only because he knew he had absolutely no fucking choice in the matter.