Eyeball this butcher knife!

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Mercury 360, Bucharest, Romania
Illustrator: Andrei Nedea, 2008

More anti-drug ads, this time from Romania. Note that these ads' message is a little less obvious than that of the last batch. There's also an optics problem with the perception of each object - its representation should be upside-down in the mind's eye, so to speak. I can see how that detail might have confused the layperson and detracted from the message, but it still bugs me. Also, I'm not quite sure why the ads need to look antiqued and da Vinci-esque.

Via adsoftheworld

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Oh, I know, I know! Of course the image would be inverted on the retina, but the artist is "projecting" it all the way back to the occipital lobe, where it is converted back to an upright orientation when it is perceived. Yep, that must be it.

I certainly hope these images weren't inspired by actual case files. Poor doggy! On the other hand, fellow scienceblogger Chris recently posted this.

Initially, glancing at the ad I didn't understand it because I need the image to be flipped or it doesn't remind me of highschool bio concepts.