Urgent: Uterine Plush Recall!

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I don't know how in hell I missed this one, but thank heavens A Repository for Bottled Monsters alerted me to the "Uterine Plush Recall" over at I Heart Guts! Apparently the uterus "failed a pull test" and "the ovaries may be pulled off and become a choking hazard"! I do not think I am alone in saying eeeuuuuww!

I Heart Guts assures us that rest of their smiling fuzzy internal organs are perfectly safe for all ages, but if you are in possession of a smug, Thriller video-dancing, pink plush uterus with hazardous trachea-sized violet ovaries, please contact appropriate support personnel immediately. For all our sakes.

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Thankfully, the only plush organ we have is a bladder. Though it would probably not be much of a problem, since the one year old is pretty good about not actually putting things fully into his mouth. He's more of a licker than a biter.

Do they have a double-uterus variant? I'd get it for my Mom, who had two.

Well, this may be the very first time in history that ovaries have been a "choking hazard." Generally, those little buggers are not high on the list of causes for potential asphyxiation.

"How did your mom find this out, Jon??"

I believe it was discovered when she had a hysterectomy, or possibly in the preparations for same.

As far as I know, my two siblings and I came from the same one. Then again, my brother looks different from my sister and I, so who knows.

if you are in possession of a smug, Thriller video-dancing, pink plush uterus with hazardous trachea-sized violet ovaries
lol! Best description ever.