We are aware of the comment borkage

Yes, I am aware comments are borked on some recent posts - I apologize. It's apparently a code issue at Sb, and I can't fix it.

If you click directly through to a full post, you may not see comments. If you click on the "comments" link at the bottom of the post on the main page, you may be able to enter a comment there, but you won't see the full post anymore. This appears to be more of a problem for people using Firefox than for those using Safari.

And sorry about the timing - I know there are some lovely ladies anxious to express themselves about my last post. I've now added a link at the bottom which will hopefully enable you to view/add comments even if the coding issue continues.

More like this

This appears to be more of a problem for people using Firefox than for those using Safari.

For the other three people (besides Greg Laden and myself) using Linux, Konqueror also works fine.

By D. C. Sessions (not verified) on 17 Sep 2009 #permalink