Virtual Autopsy at House of Sweden

Doesn't that title sound weird - like an experimental film? It may help to know that House of Sweden is Sweden's embassy in Washington, DC - a lovely glass building on the Potomac. If you're in the DC area, you should get on their mailing list, because they host interesting science-related panel discussions and receptions. Yesterday, they opened a new exhibit - the Virtual Autopsy Table. It's a touch-screen tabletop that lets you slice into, rotate, and magnify an MRI-based 3D representation of the human body, all with a brush of a hand:

The Virtual Autopsy Table from NorrköpingsVisualiseringscenter on Vimeo.

Yes, the Autopsy Table was covered on Engadget last fall, but this is your chance to see it in person. The folks from Repository for Bottled Monsters stopped by for a brief preview, which looks pretty much like the video above: cool. I wish we could buy one for every college in America (and then start on the high schools)!

The House of Sweden will host the Virtual Autopsy through May 2 (and is also featuring a collection of cell-themed photos by Lennart Nilsson through April 28).

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