Barbie might say "evolutionary biology is hard"

Remember when I said more bio grad students should play with coding and modeling? Here's an example of what I mean. Laurence Frabotta directed me to this animation by phylogeneticist/bioinformatics programmer Liam Revell, an assistant professor at U Mass Boston, who used the statistical package 'R' to write a short code generating all possible bifurcating and multifurcating phylogenetic trees for a set of taxa. Apparently there are 2,752 for seven taxa (I have to take his word for it, my basic math skills have long since escaped me) and this animation runs through all of them. It's not really an artistic experience, so much as a demonstration that evolutionary biology is insanely complex.

Anyway, I think it's a pretty safe bet that Revell's grad students get transferable skills. :)

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