Remember, Remember

the 26th of January, 2007 at 8pm EST

is when Cycle 16(!) Hubble Space Telescope proposals are due

Hope you remembered to update your Astronomer Proposal Tools vs 16,

and you will want your new latex science justification templates

and remember to actually check what they say in the call for proposal itself

I think I'm on 4 this year, which is on the low side.
Mean success rate is around 1/8, which is not so good, eh?

More later, if I get time to chat.


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Well, in that case I'm going to submit mine 8 times. It usually takes three just for me to find all the typos I put in.

Given the vagaries of the panels, 3 props with 3 different titles and subject areas might work well.

The only downside, experts will read it if you put the wrong keywords on the coversheet.

By Brad Holden (not verified) on 26 Jan 2007 #permalink