Andromeda: a study in blue

Swift does a large field mosaic image in the ultraviolet of M31

Ok, so Astronomy Picture of the Day beat me to this...

Andromeda in optical (click to embiggen)

Swift took a 330 picture mosaic of our nearest respectably sized neighbour galaxy, the venerable, and naked eye Andromeda, aka M31. They used the itsy bitsy little Ulvtravioler/Optical telescope on board, which has surprisingly decent UV capability.

Andromeda - ultraviolet mosaic (click to embiggen)

Very, very nice.
Go to apod to get the nice gif flick between the UV and optical images.

The UV images preferentially trace young hot stars, and so are mostly showing where current star formation is taking place.

Press Release


podcast from Goddard Space Flight Center


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I am definitely biased, but I think it's gorgeous! Thanks for posting it.