Too Many Als

i-e48139f2266cf27341ba40098a29bdcc-als.jpgMy husband's name is Alan Franklin, but we affectionately call him Al. So, ever since he began to dabble in progressive politics, I've been expecting this day: Al Franken meets Al Franklin.

My Al's thoughts on the encounter can be found on his blog, at, along with a larger version of this picture. (We'll be sure to save a framed copy, to torture, er, I mean show the grandkids, someday.)

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I always liked Al Franken, starting with the SNL days. He did a GREAT Paul Simon, and he was "cutting edge" with the satelite hookup on the head! When Al beat up noted bully Bill O'Reilly, he became my friend for life.

What a handsome and erudite fellow - Mr Franklin, of course, not so much Mr Franken. I'm also quite partial to the facial hair for some reason.

btw, thanks for turning me on to Progress Now and thanks to Alan for his work, and yours, in taking care of my old homestead and looking out for the good of our precious and fragile American West.

Roland is so, so lucky to count you two as his parents! (you and Alan, not Al and Alan!).