A New Carnival!

Pedro Beltrao, who blogs on Public Rambling is starting Bio::Blogs, a carnival of bioinformatics and computational biology.

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Pedro has posted a new edition of Bio::Blogs, the bioinformatics blog carnival. Go check out the hottest new computational biology blogging.
Welcome to the fourth edition of Bio::Blogs! This is the carnival where we explore topics at the intersection of computing, biology, and sometimes a bit human behavior. In this edition, we consider issues with annotation, agonize over standards, explore the question of whether or not it's…
Imagine being both a science dork and computer nerd. We call those people bioinformaticians and beg them to debug our pitiful little programs for us. If we're lucky, one of them has already written a program that performs the exact data analysis that we need. That saves us feeble bad programmers…
Bio::Blogs #3 has been posted at business|bytes|genes|molecules. Bio::Blogs is a blog carnival that deals with computational biology. Next month's edition will be hosted by Sandy. If you write something about computational biology this month, send a link to her.