Carbon Dating

Since Creationists do not believe in Carbon Dating, they are not allowed to use this service. The only requirement is that you are capable of remaining isotopic during a conversation.

In other news, Jenna, TNG and John have, so far, responded to my book meme tag. Update: And Greensmile did it as well.


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Hmmm. I write long serious posts full of links carefully checked for informative and relevant content and sometimes maybe with a minor novelty of connection or interpretation and the crowd thunders past. But do some terse monkeyshines and bam! Traffic.

[Thanks ;-]

Not sure which I'll be longer in regretting: what I left out of the book meme post or what I put in it.

It's always like that. Online readers are ADHD. More than a couple of sentences, or a picture, or a movie, and they cannot sustain attention.

Or perhaps, the long thoughtful posts are so definitive and so awe-inspiring, that nobody dares add a comment. And everybody thinks that everyone else MUST have already read that fantastic piece, so why bother linking to it!

Definitive, intimidatingly complete and incontrovertible...oh yeah, thats me. yeah, right. I think I'll start posting in paragraph chunks. Or, maybe iambic pentameter;)