My Picks From ScienceDaily

The Newest Artificial Intelligence Computing Tool: People:

A USC Information Sciences Institute researcher thinks she has found a new source of artificial intelligence computing power to solve difficult IT problems of information classification, reliability, and meaning. That tool, according to ISI computer scientist Kristina Lerman, is people, human intelligence at work on the social web, the network of blogs, bookmark, photo and video- sharing sites, and other meeting places now involving hundreds of thousands of individuals daily, recording observations and sharing opinions and information.

Book Makes Case For Using Evolution In Everyday Life:

Evolution is not just about human origins, dinosaurs and fossils, says Binghamton University evolutionist David Sloan Wilson. It can also be applied to almost every aspect of human life, as he demonstrates in his first book for a general audience, Evolution for Everyone: How Darwin's Theory Can Change the Way We Think About Our Lives (Bantam Press 2007). Using witty, straightforward language and compelling anecdotes, Wilson outlines the basic principles of evolution in a way that can be easily understood by non-experts. He then uses the principles to explain phenomena as diverse as why beetles commit infanticide, why dogs have curly tails, and why people laugh and make art.

Bald Eagle Soars Off Endangered Species List:

Secretary of the Interior Dirk Kempthorne announced the removal of the bald eagle for the list of threatened and endangered species at a ceremony June 28 at the Jefferson Memorial in Washington, D.C. After nearly disappearing from most of the United States decades ago, the bald eagle is now flourishing across the nation and no longer needs the protection of the Endangered Species Act.

Seabird Diet History Revealed Through Analyisis Of Museum Samples:

Using feathers from museum collections all over the world, a University of Guelph integrative biology professor has tested a new hypothesis about what led to population decline of a species of seabirds in Canada.

New Study Shows How Often Juries Get It Wrong:

Juries across the country make decisions every day on the fate of defendants, ideally leading to prison sentences that fit the crime for the guilty and release for the innocent. Yet a new Northwestern University study shows that juries in criminal cases many times are getting it wrong.


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"Based on findings from a limited sample,"

There's not enough straw in these bricks to justify the terror quotes.

Of course juries get it wrong. So do judges. Many lawyers are incompetent stoops who doen't present the jury with the info they need. We live in an imperfect world in which a jury trial is our nearest approximation of a good method to determine guilt or innocence.
But there are appeals and yet other means of returning to a decision precisely because we recognize that the entire system is fallible.
So save me your scare quotes on a limited sample.