Juno (11 weeks old)

i-29ec2642d30d8b40fea319f3ec045a85-Juno on a blue chair.JPG


i-d1b02eb4d6f5a283f6c65dd31014dfd9-Scary Juno2.JPG

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he's adorable! is he coming to the Scibling meetup, too?? ;)

i've been completely absent from the blogosphere but will pop in to say hi this weekend. looking forward to catching up!

Nope, she and Millie (and the kids) have gone to Grandma's for the weekend, so we adults can play! ;-)

I still thinks she looks a little bit like a Jack Russell. Her snout is a little too short and her ears are a little too big, but if you squint you can still see it.