International Rock-Flipping Day

i-de2066130647c64ca33d1ad045406b5a-rock flipping badge.jpgYikes! How did I miss it this year?! It's TODAY! The International Rock-Flipping Day:

International Rock-Flipping Day, September 2, 2007
It's International Rock-Flipping Day! If you haven't flipped yet, please review the guidelines. Be sure to replace all flipped rocks, and do so as carefully as possible: if rocks aren't returned to their exact footprint, some of the creatures underneath them may be crushed. We also advise wearing gloves as protection against poisonous snakes, spiders, and scorpions, if that's a concern in your area.

If you don't have a blog (and even if you do), you can upload photos to Flickr (it's free to join) and post them to the IRFD group there. I will also be glad to post photos and other material here for anyone who'd rather not bother with Flickr. (My co-conspirator Bev Wigney has been forced by circumstances beyond her control to step back from heavy involvement in the festivities this year.)

I did it last year, but I forgot this year and it is already early afternoon and it is hot! I better go out right now and see if I can find something under a rock right now! If I catch a glimpse of a deer in the front yard without having to flip a rock, does that count?

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Oh, I'm sorry you didn't get my mass-emailed reminder from a month ago. It probably got flagged as spam or something. Glad you still found out soon enough to participate, though. Creek rocks can be good places to look, even in the heat of the day.

This sounds like fun. If I would have known, I would have gotten some students from the university on an outing!

I better go out right now and see if I can find something under a rock right now!

Why look to see if there is anything under the rock? Everyone knows that the rock is fascinating enough by itself...