#CNNFail #youtubefail #iranelection

Follow me on Twitter and you'll see this stream (to see more than one-sided conversation, search me there as well and check if there are comments on FriendFeed):

RT @ljthornton Students: Roughly 2 hours of tweets from "student living in Tehran," 22: http://bit.ly/wVpJl

#CNNFail: Twitterverse slams network's Iran absence. http://tr.im/osmp (via @jayrosen_nyu)

@HowardKurtz Hours and hours of ....talking to the camera revealing no useful information?

@HowardKurtz perhaps CNN and its audience have very different ideas of what is reporting, what is useful information, what is coverage.

@jason_pontin If CNN International was reporting, and CNN USA was not - what despicable contempt for American audience!

Searched Twitter for BoraZ: http://tinyurl.com/6h75qq

Searched Twitter for CNN International: http://tinyurl.com/lvfkp2

@jason_pontin Obviously not: US audience is very angry right now. Also knowing how Amanpour lied in every sentence from Bosnia - don't trust

@HowardKurtz why anyone cares about his endless rant? Is THAT reporting? Useless information: #CNNFail

@jason_pontin No data, but see Twitter anger, see blogs, talk to neighbors. Can you quantify - you have the tools I don't.

@jason_pontin Unfortunately, Amanpour has good reputation in the USA because nobody here reported (that's before WWW) she lied every day.

@jason_pontin They cannot ignore the most vocal and broad-reaching subset of the audience any more. It spreads from online -> offline: bad!

@jason_pontin There is a day off in the world of news?

@jason_pontin Oh, I see. I though it was something automated, online as well as part of the news organizations.

@jason_pontin don't know that website, but the gist of that article is correct. She was not alone: Peter Jennings was worse and he was comfy

Silent for 17 hours: @tehranelection stream is something to check out and hope it comes back soon with more #iranelection news

RT @StevenZimm: Satellite jamming of BBC TV and radio feeds by Iran reported http://tr.im/osOF

Via @jason_pontin Learn about Amanpour http://bit.ly/KlBNu Do you trust her? I quit trusting her in early 1990s

1/3 When we demonstrated against Milosevic, we cheered CNN for being the only foreign media reporting from the scene

2/3 A couple of years later, CNN was deemed 4th party in the war with the likes of Amanpour triggering breaks of ceasefires & ruining talks

3/3 Since then, I do not trust CNN on anything. Always double-check with trusted bloggers.

@susana71 That was 1991. Oh, how things change! #CNNFail

Searched Twitter for #CNNFail: http://tinyurl.com/m774hp

RT everybody: Dear CNN, Please Check Twitter for News About Iran (Marshall Kirkpatrick/ReadWriteWeb) http://bit.ly/d2Etp #cnnfail

Searched Twitter for HowardKurtz : http://tinyurl.com/nb5jox

RT @ohkirsten RT @jdickerson: Angry calls from Iranian authorities to Twitter. Block function not working. http://tr.im/osWV #IranElection

RT @gladysCJ Blog with all the pictures and videos on #iranElection not shown on television or newspaper http://www.iran101.blogspot.com/

RT @Scobleizer This photo should win Pulitzer Prize. I never expected to see photos like this come out of Iran. Amazing: http://ff.im/3XNSW

Teheran on Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/mousavi1388/

Searched Twitter for #iranelection: http://tinyurl.com/lkoew3

Following @TehranBureau

Following @IranElection09

Following @cnnfail

Following @TCorp

RT @TCorp Twitter users launch unpresidented human DDoS attack bringing down at least 3 major Iranian hardliner websites. Go Twitter!

RT @TCorp Plz go2 http://bit.ly/9LWwq & http://bit.ly/4y3eM & http://bit.ly/mth1M then just leave them open. DDoS 4 Freedom

RT @TCorp Pictures of the riots going on in Tehran right NOW as NOT seen on CNN http://tanin.nl/qIDW #IranElections #CNNFail

RT @davewiner: Iranians on Twitter during the june clashes. http://tr.im/ot4X

RT @Scobleizer The day Twitter kicked CNN's behind & @ev bought me a whisky http://ff.im/3XKbG

Video from Tehran: http://bit.ly/Fvbc9

RT @joshwolf: Iran's latest assault on the press tells me the election was likely rigged. http://tinyurl.com/kkehbw

#iremember when CNN was there when Milosevic rolled tanks at us in 1991. Where is #CNNFail today? #iranelection

Iranian twitterers to follow: http://tr.im/ot4X

RT @manymanypeople Youtube now removing videos of protests and beatings in iran. #iranelection #youtubefail

RT @Ornette303: post videos on www.liveleak.com #iranelection #cnnfail #youtubefail

Following @smileofcrash

@MaverickNY This will have to be figured out over the next day or two or more. But images and videos are hard to fake this fast!

@MaverickNY which is why I do not RT statements, but link to potentially trustworthy sources and interesting responses to the phenomenon.

RT @Dereklowe To my followers - my Iranian wife and I will be updating translated reports on the Iranian unrest via Twitter

If Twitter goes down, my record remains: #CNNFail #youtubefail #iranelection http://tinyurl.com/ng6ry9

RT @MaverickNY RT @cdn @melissapierce: Amazing Iran real time aggregator http://iran.twazzup.com

RT @BayNewser mediabistro/BayNewser's take on what went wrong with #CNNFail (lessons @ end) http://bit.ly/SCHxp

RT @mlshapiro: Oh dear. RT @owillis: #cnnfail illustrated. http://bit.ly/222oR2 (expand) Fox and MSNBC spanked as well.

I am already wearing green today: RT @irb123: RT @Robot117 PEOPLE AROUND THE WORLD: WEAR GREEN TOMORROW #iranelection #cnnfail

Amir http://friendfeed.com/amirpix is taking pictures and videos in Tehran

RT @Robot117 GOOD BLOG from inside Iran http://tehranlive.org/ #iranelection #cnnFAIL

@BrianR under the rubric of "plausible" or "interesting" - verification will have to come later - the speed of news is of essence first.

2/2 @BrianR in order to force the MSM to start paying attention or face loss of face

@BrianR I am also mainly focusing on image/video and interesting aggregators, not individual pieces of unverifiable information, for now.

Following @iran09

RT @Katrinskaya"You Deserve To Die!": According to a Tehranbureau report riot police now shooting http://tinyurl.com/mab6p8 (via @dailydish)

RT @dailydish A Time-Line Of The Coup: A fascinating account of the events by Muhammad Sahimi: http://tinyurl.com/kpxrtd

Rebooting The News: http://rebootnews.com/ http://friendfeed.com/clique-with-claque @rebootnews tonight, including #CNNFail #iranelection

RT @CityCountryMe wondering why #cnnfail but not #foxfail? Nobody believes Fox news is credible to begin with.

RT @StopTheDictator @donlemoncnn Excellent job selecting only pro-CNN tweets in your segment on #iranelection. #CNNFail #5 trend on twitter.

RT @PeggyHovsepian Victory: CNN responds to #cnnfail campaign http://bit.ly/15ROVX (via @huffingtonpost)

RT @PCZ RT @simoncolumbus: my list of english-language twitterers inside iran now sorted by cities: http://is.gd/11Z0q #iranelection

I thought CNN was rich enough to employ 3rd shift reporters: http://twitter.com/HowardKurtz/status/2168981940 need a nap? #CNNFail

RT @LanceMannion Informed Comment: Class v. Culture Wars in Iranian Elections: Rejecting Charges of North Tehran Fallacy http://shar.es/pAeY

RT @jasonblogz #cnnfail hashtag represents more than what it was created for. cnn is responding. it represents the influence of social media

RT @tinomen71 CNN making excuses about difficulty getting reliable info from Iran- info may be limited, but that doesn't make it a non-story

@klustout Iran coverage by CNN International and NOT by CNN USA is a spit in the face of US viewers. We are not sheep. #CNNFail

RT @annajjohnson CNN fails because they think Twitter is a tool they can wield. They never expected it to "work" w/o them. #CNNfail

Following @persiankiwi

RT @GirlArchaeo @PhillyD Yes, many ARE internet sheep. But compare what @persiankiwi has to say vs. CNNs 12 hour old news! #CNNfail

RT @hermioneway Biggest Social Media Story yet? http://mashable.com/2009/06/14/cnnfail/ #cnnfail

@kevinsanders Learn about Amanpour http://bit.ly/KlBNu

RT @enzym RT @IranRiggedElect: HOW TO: Track Iran Election with Twitter and Social Media http://bit.ly/2BoqU #iranelection #cnnfail

RT @RisingHegemon @rosiered23 All news should be free! Gloat is wrong word, not happy about #cnnfail - media needs to address myopic probs

RT @palocortado CNN dropped the ball with #iranelection and now has a huge PR crisis on its hands #cnnfail

@schingler You can help - check out instructions by @TCorp

@alwayzThinking Oh, IMPT means 'important'. At first read I thought you meant "impotent" LOL

RT @SunKimbra I'd go check out CNN to flesh out twitter news #cnnfail but last few times they just read tweets on air & called it news..

RT @newjorg @iocat Amanpour was invited to the election "win" conference But NBC ABC French TV cameras confiscated BBC kicked out. #CNNfail

RT @newjorg Reporters without Borders: don't recognize this undemocratic election. http://bit.ly/24yxD #iranelection

RT @BluegrassPundit There is a revolution in Iran and CNN is doing a fluff interview with Axelrod about Obama's Normady visit. #cnnfail

RT @SpaceyG Iranian students are posting pictures of their injured. Dead? http://entesabat88.persianb... #IranElection #cnnfail

"unlike Western journalists that later arrived on the scene, the locals were familiar with the context" http://tinyurl.com/djbb8w #CNNFail

RT @Ghattavi Many newspapers were blank today as there were nothing to say... and some people even bought them for support #iranelection

RT @Reachg: bring Irans online live TV website down from spreading propaganda http://tinyurl.com/m6o3bg #iranelection

RT @RawStory: Obama addresses Iranians in video. http://tinyurl.com/ns9xwm #iranelection http://bit.ly/UjrFJ

Most succinct compliment to my tweeting of #iranelection #CNNFail: http://bit.ly/RaMMF way fewer than 140chs

RT @smileofcrash #iranelection poor girl....:(( http://bit.ly/10MN4s

RT @drisis @JoshMPlant: Great new video about the #iranelection by @realjohngreen. http://bit.ly/D48w9 "Ahmadinejad is a douchenozzle"

RT @parinaz encounter with riot police http://bit.ly/Ncdoc #iranelection

RT @JenniferRose21: Another #iranelection resource: Global Voices has in country reports, photos, video: http://bit.ly/caMrN

RT @LTCiaccio Iranians: report to http://www.herdict.org/ which sites you cannot access - they aggregate info on blocked sites #iranelection

I hear that @huffingtonpost has the BEST live blog of happenings, video, 1st person accounts, photos from #iranelection http://is.gd/124ka

RT @Ali_Davis Mind-blowing to learn about #iranelection through intense personal accounts on Twitter. The oldest form of news, 1000X faster.

@HowardKurtz It took 48 hours of #CNNfail outrage for you to wake up and be a tad better than the competition?

RT @ValerioVeo: Just when you thought Twitter was a fad - along comes Iran. Follow #iranelection and watch a political uprising unfold ...

Repeat for the evening crew - a good look at Twitter vs. CNN on #iranelection http://tinyurl.com/muw3fc

RT @krisaloma When will organizations (CNN) realize consumers aren't comparing them to their competitors, but to consumers' expectations?

RT @TAC_NISO Difficult to call networked communication a fad when conversations turn away from {food} & turns toward political uprising

RT @Theremina Iranian-American human rights lawyer friend "Twitter doing much better job of explaining everything than media." #iranelection

RT @DruidSmith @jeremymeyers @persiankiwi #iranelection just talked to my friend in Tehran, she said people are chanting "Obama help us!"

RT @crawlspace The NYTimes has an article on CNN's non-existent Iran coverage http://tinyurl.com/lu79mp #iranelection

RT @RattlePop Iranians turn digital smugglers in battle for information despite depleted phone & internet http://bit.ly/rwzTK #IranElection

do I have another green shirt for tomorrow or do I need to wash overnight the one I wore all day today?

Q1: How did Twitter force the MSM to start paying attention to #iranelection ?

Q2: How much did Twitter as a source get people to talk to offline friends about #iranelection and spread the news outside Twitterverse?

How Rick Springfield Led Me To The Plight Of Mousavi's Iranian Supporters http://tinyurl.com/l8bssz by @AlBren #iranelection

RT @ChrisVanPatten We get an opportunity to experience the world through their eyes - something far more visceral than what CNN can offer

RT @gransome Twitterers keep tweeting. MSM has to play catch up sometime this week. They'll be getting their updates from us. #iranelection

RT @ToasterSunshine I wouldn't have known it was even happening without Twitter since I don't watch TV. Twitter informed me to inform others

RT @robinc913 From Gawker: "Twitter was in midst of handing CNN its proverbial ass" http://tinyurl.com/kpcoan #iranelection #cnnfail

RT @CNNfaildotcom Visit http://CNNfail.com to read #CNNfail real-time tweets

RT @HowardKurtz My take on how Twitter power: http://tinyurl.com/no5ocq So why doesn't CNN get it?

Collection of online sources on #iranelection on BBC: http://bit.ly/Rhp5M

RT @TEDchris MSM v Twitter debate: Richard Sambrook, voice of common sense at BBC http://is.gd/12uWv via @aknock

Kristof: Iran's Crossroads http://bit.ly/FUBWH

RT @jayrosen_nyu: For a spectacular curmudgeon star turn by a pro journalist on the TV, scroll to DOYEL http://tr.im/ov9y Proudly ignorant.

RT @Katrinskaya #iranelection social media aggregation at http://netvibes.com/iranelection & mobile http://winksite.mobi/iran/election

RT @dorothycrenshaw What #CNNFail Protests Say About The Relationship B/t Old and New Media (per @poniewozik) http://snipr.com/k5qqr

Tweeting #iranelection (as a non-journo) avoid unverifiable facts, point to good links, media analysis, interesting people, Zeitgeist-tweets

"what establishment journalists typically call "reporting" is nothing of the sort." Interview w/@glenngreenwald http://tr.im/oxLa

RT @Katrinskaya And one more time, because it's great: Video from today: http://bit.ly/62y2g #iranelection

RT @persiankiwi: pictures of today - http://twitpic.com/7gtbu. #Iranelection

RT @zentronix So again the Tiananmen question: What if the Iranian people take democracy further than Mousavi or Karoubi would?

Iran election and international media update http://bit.ly/YsFL3

RT @jayrosen_nyu Coping w/ flood of data from Iran? @marcambinder Approach it as an analyst for CIA would http://bit.ly/7YWAf #iranelection

RT @rhibowman Twitter Calls Out CNN, But Kurtz Misses The Boat (Fishbowl) http://bit.ly/YTNg1

RT @xarker @GregMitch: Andrew Sullivan, once a skeptic, just begged Twitter not to go down tonite because it's "so needed" on Iran crisis.

Social Networking Technology and the Documentation of History http://tinyurl.com/nfr6et by @drisis #scibling #CNNfail #iranelection

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I can see that Twitter is useful, but do we have to see a recap on your blog??

By anonymous (not verified) on 15 Jun 2009 #permalink