Gold in the tweetstream

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from "Would dew believe it: The stunning pictures of sleeping insects covered in water droplets," at the Daily Mail Given the day, we find both foolishness and meat. Fun stuff first: Science, Nature Team Up on New Journal - ScienceNOW Does the WTF1 gene trigger the inferior supra-credulus? @…
Continuing my new tradition, here are some of the genomics-related links and information I posted on Twitter this week: RT @decodegenetics: The opportunity to migrate to deCODEme ends on February 1st 2010. Gah, it burns! RT @jcbarret: Science publishes behavioral genetic…
Follow me on Twitter and you'll see this stream (to see more than one-sided conversation, search me there as well and check if there are comments on FriendFeed): RT @ljthornton Students: Roughly 2 hours of tweets from "student living in Tehran," 22: #CNNFail: Twitterverse slams…
THE ABC has posted the audio of Åsa Wahlquist's remarks at the conference, proving that Posetti's tweets accurately quoted her. The two five minute audios are well worth listening to for an insider's take on the toxic work environmnet that is The Australian. Look carefully at what Wahlquist has…