Calliope Hummingbirds

These things are hard to photograph.  They are
faster than I
am, that is for sure.  Out of about 30 shots, at least a few
were decent.



These are said to be the smallest birds in the USA.
 They are href="">named
after the Greek
muse of  epic poetry
, if you can believe Wikipedia.

More like this

Wow! That first photo is amazing. Do they fight and chase each other off like the Anna's do, or will they share nicely?

Fantastic pictures! I've spent hours and hours stalking hummingbird feeders with my camera and have never gotten pictures anywhere near that good, most impressive!

Would we find these floating around Phoenix, AZ by any chance?
I've seen some tiny hummingbirds in my area.

-- jolt

By joltvolta (not verified) on 21 Aug 2007 #permalink