
It's now a quarter of a decade since I started this blog.

Originally it was just a web page for my comments on John Lott's Mysterious Survey. I figured that the survey issue would be resolved in a few weeks and I could shut it down then, but that doesn't seem to have happened.

Thanks to the Internet Archive you can see what my blog looked like when it was three weeks old.


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The link to the old page doesn't appear to work.

By Michigan Frog (not verified) on 12 Jul 2005 #permalink

That's better! Looks just as I remember it. Tim, if it wasn't for Lott's "survey", do you think you'd ever have started the blog?

By Michigan Frog (not verified) on 12 Jul 2005 #permalink

"Quarter of a decade"-- that makes it sound rooly, rooly old.

Long may you be a thorn in the side of people like Tim Blair and the astroturfists.

Wow! 25 years. Congratulations. I was happy to hit one year. You're an internet pioneer. I'm sending you your virtual raccoon-skin hat and Bowie knife.