QOTD: Fuckin Magnets, How Do They Work?

A response is requested from a non-scientist.

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Umm. Poe?

By featheredfrog (not verified) on 01 May 2010 #permalink

This has been stuck in my head for a week. Sadly, the SNL parody is smarter than the original, and the original is funnier than the parody.

The most disturbing aspect is not the (IMO completely valid) question about how magnets work, but the following line rejecting any explanation by those most likely to be able to answer the question accurately.

Shaggy should lay off the Faygo; the bubbles are going to his head...

This is quite interesting for a few reasons. I read the page where the ICP is explaining why they sang that song to which he makes a valid point. The idea of being fascinated by something that exists in nature is nice and then having that sense of excitement taken away by scientific explanation.

I can relate a bit to it in my experience. I always thought computer games were so cool and amazing. Now that I am a programmer I can't see computer games in the same way, now that I know how it all works.

But this does not mean that the ICP is right. It's like they are praising ignorance and condoning scientific thought. Of course there is nothing wrong with wishing to believe in "miracles" if that's what makes them happy. Going about it in this way is rather stupid. It's like someone yelling "I think its magic and it makes me feel good so don't tell me how it really works."

In our day and age people take immediate satisfaction over anything else. Don't think, if it feels good then do it twice. ICP are nothing more than morons who champion that ignorance is bliss.

ICP, after 20 years of making violent, misogynistic, "thug music" (and let's not forget their wrestling stint and a really really bad movie) for a violent, misogynistic "thug" fan base, played the sixth and final "Joker's card" (the name for their albums).

It seems that they were only kidding, they are actually Christians with a message. I'd link the song "Thy Unveiling", but it's brutally inane and I won't be responsible for the loss of IQ. If time out no longer works for your kids, consider playing this as punishment. From the song: "When we speak of Shangri-La, what you think we mean? Truth is we follow GOD, we`ve always been behind him, The Carnival is God and may all Juggalos find him!"

Sad thing is I own a couple albums, and I feel no closer to God. Maybe I need to play them backwards at 78 speed or something.

It seems that they were only kidding, they are actually Christians with a message.

Give me a break man. Not only do they suck and preach ignorance is bliss but their songs... really... really lack any sense of intellectual curiosity.

I can go the same way I tell you that the band members of Slayer and Cannibal Corpse are christians and most of them are married and have kids and lead normal lives. They put on a show for their fans, but if you actually read their lyrics. Much better.

ICP are just rather dumb. Even though they come off having a valid point (as I said above) they do it in a stupid way. The more attention that is shed upon them the more they think that they are actually right. Which they are not.

I forgot who it was that once said this... but "we do not modify village law or society to suite the village idiot. we should just ignore the village idiot and go about doing what's right for the village."

While the ICP part is humorous, perhaps in the future you might avoid linking to sites with prominent goatses on them.....

By Doug Henning (not verified) on 30 Jul 2010 #permalink