Celebrate Darwin Day by writing an essay!

Yes, yes, I know Darwin Day was Februrary 12th. Nevertheless, the Alliance for Science is sponsoring an essay contest in Darwin's honor and, if you're a high school student you can still celebrate by writing an essay.

And if you're a high school teacher, and your student wins, you win $$ for buying lab supplies. 

Okay, I suppose it's only us geeky bloggers who consider writing an essay to be a kind of celebration.

If the sheer joy of celebrating Darwin Day by writing an essay, doesn't pique your interest, there are prizes.

Write an essay on the topic: "Why would you want your doctor to have studied evolution?" with 1000 words or less, and you could win:


  • First Place $300

  • Second Place $200

  • Third Place $150

  • Fourth place $100


You can find all the entry info on-line at: http://www.allianceforscience.org/essay

The deadline is March 31st.

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