Freethinker Sunday Sermonette: The Ten minus Eight=Two Commandments

It's Sunday but, alas, no rest for me. I'm off on a jet plane (I hope I know when I'll be back again). But it's still important to preach my Sermonette. Too many of you already know the classic George Carlin rant on religion as bullshit (if you don't, you can watch it on YouTube here), but there's another Carlin favorite not as well known. The Ten Commandments on a diet. Enjoy:

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One word: BRILLIANT!

Thanks for that! I've never seen Carlin before. I don't think he's very well known here in the UK. I'm off to find more of his work.

I saw Carlin perform at my school's kick off week in 1986...

He was AWESOME. He said some really nasty things about Margaret Thatcher... some professors walkd out. It was shocking, it was funny, it involved molten lead and a certain body part that Thatcher has.

Humans. The only animal that needs a god to tell us how to get along.

Oh, MH you're in for SUCH a treat!!!

Go start with the classics: "Class Clown", "Occupation Foole". "AM/FM", then move on up his oeuvre.

"Class Clown" has that seminal piece of George Carlin humor: "The seven words you can't say on television".

Living in a region where the freedom of religion is inhibited, the assault of Chinese towards Tibet and Falunkung, etc; I could not totally understand George Carlin's humor. Perhaps, it is just like Coke, gratifying sometimes, but do not drink seriously. Carlin punchs the religion to be a private matter and to be remained in this domain. He seems not walk his talk, he himself has talked his religion all the way. I hope that he can show other comedy other than this for entertaining Coke-like audiences.