New Indonesian eruption: Mt. Soputan

Soputan 2007

A few reports this morning that Mt. Soputan, on the island of Sulawesi in Indonesia, is currently erupting. The reports indicate that there has been a lot of seismic activity and some ash emitted from the volcano. As with many volcanoes in the densely populated nation of Indonesia, there are people living on the slopes of Mt. Soputan and the authorities are preparing to evacuate them, if necessary. The last eruption at Soputan was way back in ... 2007 (see photo above), so it seems like the volcano is another one of many active Indonesian volcanoes.

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I was just talkin to a friend of mine from tomohon Indonesia and he was on mount klabat with friends and when they reach the summit they experienced this the eruption of mt Soputan just started at that moment and they keeped on watchin the whole night .So im very jealous of him now!!!!!

By Ton van der Aa (not verified) on 25 Jun 2008 #permalink