Post Christmas Update

I'm back from my Christmas Eruptions break ... time to play a little catch up!

Popocatepetl in Mexico.

  • Thanks to everyone for voting/commenting for the Volcanic Event of the Year - The Pliny. It sounds like I have my work cut out for me in determining the winner, but there is still time to vote! Leave your choice for the the Pliny here or email me at

    . Look for my year-end review of volcanic events coming in the next few days.

  • As for the Christmas Day Mystery Volcano Photo, Eruptions reader Don Crain did get it on the first try - they are, in fact, Popocatepetl and Ixtaccihuatl from the summit of the latter. Now, why the Christmas-related clue ... well, it is probably a little lame, but Popo did erupt in 2005 on Christmas Day. So, who gets the second point? There were quite a number of creative ideas, but I think it will go to Diane's "Rudolph"-related response (it seems very fitting for the photo).

    Current MVP Standings:
    The Bobs - 3
    Don Crain - 3
    gijs - 2
    Boris Behncke - 2
    volcanista - 1
    Lockwood - 1
    Elizabeth - 1
    Ralph - 1
    Anne - 1
    Cam - 1
    gg - 1
    Damon Hynes - 1
    Marco - 1
    Doug C. - 1
    Diane - 1

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