Dr. Horrible is free for a limited time, AGAIN!!

Im going to try to be as nice about this as I can:
If you missed 'Dr. Horrible' the first time around, you better not make the same mistake twice. You have to deal with commercials now, but thats your own goddamn fault.

Watch it, or deal with the wrath of ERV.

Embedded below the fold:

More viewing options (high res, pop-out, etc) available at Hulu.

More like this

I think I'll wait for your wrath.
Would be nice to talk to you in person for once I think ;)

By Who Cares (not verified) on 29 Jul 2008 #permalink

wow. I mean, wow. How new is this show? I have never heard of it and it is freakin AWESOME.

Awesome, now I can bully my friends into watching it!

Hulu only good in USA, which sux0rz. Hello! Murrikans! The world consists of more than you!

Though I am glad I saw it before. "The hammer is my penis." Captain Tightpants is so good at deadpan. :-)

Actually Cory, I can watch that particular embedded link even though I'm in B.C., and I watched it when it first aired (also on Hulu, if I remember right).

If it wasn't working for you, it's a screwup on your end methinks. If you didn't try it...well maybe next time you will before slagging it.

By Aaron Lemur Mintz (not verified) on 29 Jul 2008 #permalink

Huh - seems to work alright in Denmark.

I have to wonder - why didn't Dr. Horrible freeze Penny with the Freeze Ray and then get her to the ER?

Still, really evil villains need angst too!

I have to wonder - why didn't Dr. Horrible freeze Penny with the Freeze Ray and then get her to the ER?

Because the freeze ray broke down, doy! ;-P

Neil Patrick Harris looks just like my dad did at that age. It's spooky.

Hmm, does your wrath include a whip and a leather bustier ?

"You have to deal with commercials now, but thats your own goddamn fault."

The adverts, as we call them in the uk, were highlighting cyberbullying among young people. I thought that was a good call.

Anyway thanks for the reprise, I did miss it first time.

Just watched it in Germany (twice!), and no problems. You have to stay at ERV, though, so don't go to the Hulu-website to see it.

Have to concur with #6, though. Can't buy it at iTunes, and I probably shouldn't hold my breath waiting for the DVD here. *sniff*


I could *watch* it in Australia just fine - I saw it the first time round. I just can't *buy* it. Which, for $4, I would have. Stupid stupids. What's the point on that? It's not like they have shipping costs or anything.

Hmm, does your wrath include a whip and a leather bustier ?

Mine does. Come'ere, tiger.

By Dustin is wear… (not verified) on 29 Jul 2008 #permalink

Hi all,

I'm looking forward to ERV's wrath. As much as I like Whedon's work, it doesn't strike me as being as brilliant as his best "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" or "Firefly" episodes. Moreover, I can't quite shake off the impression that Neil Patrick Harris is really channeling the soul of Davros, the creator of the Daleks. Who knows? Maybe the next installment might be entitled "Doctor Horrible and the Daleks".



By John Kwok (not verified) on 30 Jul 2008 #permalink

If you haven't seen Dr. Horrible yet, do. Now. While you still can. It is 40 minutes well spent.

I'm hoping to get a Ph.D in horroblology but the graduate entrance exams are hard. And then, like Dr.Horrible said you've got to get a written comnedation letter from a sitting elected official.

Right now i'm taking intro to MadScience with the Included lab. I've just got to get the Infernal Arts requirements down. My advisor also recommended evil summer research. I'm planning on writing a proposal on making diabetes airborne and contagious.

I didn't miss it this time :D

And now I'm addicted *sigh*

Hope you are doing all right on your vacation and don't mind that I sniffed around until I found this (which didn't take all that long). Thanks for the kind words a bit back. Maybe I'm destined to be your apprentice of sorts?

Must inflict this on my tabletop gaming group...if they haven't already seen it a zillion times. Ours is a (goofy) four-color superhero game, and collectively I think our sympathies would be with the bad doctor.

Thanks, O Mighty ERV, for preserving this monsterpiece for those of us who managed to miss the first round! That first Bad Horse song is now etched in my wicked little brain...

The MadPanda, FCD