So while you all were having fun watching the VP debate last night, I was at (am at) Viral Evolution 2008 listening to Marco Vignuzzi and Susanna Manrubia and Evilutionary Biologist talk about viral evolution. We are also drinking beer.






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I don't know who told you I wasn't drinking beer... But alas, I'm not at a talk on viral evolution, unfortunately. Instead, I'm afraid my hope for humanity took a few more steps down today. I had some lady hand me this little flyer about how amazing her magical fairy is while I was in line for coffee.

And your Virus Boyfriend? Was he there, too?

I listened to as much of the VP debate as I could stand while I worked on stuff on my Mac. You definitely got the better end of the deal. :)

@#1,,, what little flyer?... i want to read it too.

The Ray Kurzweil banner at the top of the page is making my brain bleed.

Singularitarians? In my Intertubes?

I just heard on NPR that the Nobel prize was awarded for the discovery of HIV.

Just a suggestion: Many Discovery Institute people are deniers that HIV causes AIDS. It might be a good time to bring this up.


By Trin Tragula (not verified) on 06 Oct 2008 #permalink

Does this level of intrigue happen where you work? How about at your conferences? ;)

Someone I once knew was grabbed by the neck and choked at a conference.

By Even Stephan (not verified) on 07 Oct 2008 #permalink

Dustin: thank you for performing a public service-- once again.

Even: whoa . . . that's just all wrong and crazy. Scary. Now I'm gonna have to pray that no SciBlogger will ever owe their conspicuous absence from the blogosphere during a conference to anything worse than, say, a good ol' conference hangover . . .

And I really, truly mean all the goodwill couched in my jest, too, in case any readers get the wrong idea and think I was being sinister . . . so hard to master this blogging thing as quickly as I'd like . . :/

Of course this Vignuzzi fellow and Susanna Manrubia gave great talks, but you forgot to mention the best talk of all at the Viral Evolution meeting ;-) $%#@ yeah, you know, that one about this 'one virion is enough' crap. OK, very bad attempt at humour.

It was fun to hear about your work and hang out!

By Mark Zwart (not verified) on 08 Oct 2008 #permalink