Clearest judgment you'll get here.

I finally saw The Constant Gardener this weekend.

If your aim is to conduct your drug trials ethically, do not conduct them like the drug trials portrayed in the movie. I could entertain questions on specific details, but the scenario is so black and white that I don't imagine you'd have any.

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It's not about gardening? I guess I should get out more, or at least read reviews. Maybe I'll just stay in and read reviews. And garden.

By Uncle Fishy (not verified) on 10 Apr 2006 #permalink

Saw it. Wasn't too impressed.

It's one thing to believe big pharma can be unethical. It's another thing to think they would be that stupid.

I didn't find the no-ethical-holds-barred drug trial that plausible. But, I thought the film did a good job conveying the protagonist's growing sense of paranoia. And, in the case that corporate and government interests were so mercenary and brazen, I'd be pretty paranoid!