Comments Should be Working

Seed's tech guy did a reset and restart of the server, and it appears that now I'm able to turn off registration without completely disabling comments. So everyone who's been having trouble commenting, please give it a try again, and let me know if you have any trouble.


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Well I have to sign in to TypeKey to comment, but that was your intent, wasn't it? If so then it works fine.

By Uncephalized (not verified) on 21 Mar 2009 #permalink

No,that was not my intent.

Originally, I tried to turn on typekey so that you could use a typekey registration if you wanted to. But that didn't work, so what I've been trying to do is to entirely disable registration. If things were working properly, you wouldn't be able to use typekey with this blog at all.

Damn, I wish I had some idea of what the hell is wrong with my configuration.

One might as well sign up for a Type Pad account for ease of commenting and being recognised as the same person every time without having to type in your name repetitively. (It's unfortunate you can't figure out how to turn off requiring it. It reminds me Livejournal is also a Six Apart company.

A good thing: it works elsewhere on scienceblogs!

By Claire Binkley (not verified) on 22 Mar 2009 #permalink