Geek the Vote

Popular Mechanics (one of those magazines that genteel people refuse to admit they read, but that is actually a blast) has published a thing called "Geek the Vote." According to an email from PM, this is: online guide to all the candidates' stances on issues related to science and technology including energy policy and climate change, gun control, science education and infrastructure investment. The full chart, which can be navigated by candidate or issue, is [provided]

The site is here.

This is apparently in response to (maybe not, but there is evidence to suggest this) the Science Debate 2008 initiative (see this).

Huckabee has an interesting stance on gun control. He says that the second amendment is not about hunting, but rather, about preparedness in the event that we need to overthrow the government by violent force (well, my words, but this clearly what he is saying).

This is interesting because most 2nd amendment supporters support unrestricted gun ownership for different reasons: a) to have the hunting weapons without the paperwork or the fees; and/or b) to be well armed to shoot undesirable fellow citizens.

Edwards is essentially a pro-2nd amendment candidate, but the other democrats do not have statements or positions listed on this web site.

On science education, sadly, Biden does not have a comment. As you probably know from previous discussion on this, Clinton has a strong pro-science education stand, and a strong stand on how government should manage ... and not manage (alter, mess with) ... research.

Edwards has a similar stance to Clinton, but without the strong statement implying protection of the 1st amendment in schools. Same with Obama, who wants to double funding for "basic research." Richardson wants to build teacher science academies and hire lots of teachers, but says nothing about research.

Guliani is pro-Associates degree. What a wimp. Romney wants to funnel public funds into private schools. Thomson wants to encourage students " to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and math." Huckabee, McCain and Paul are silent on this issue. We are not impressed.

The Dems are all pro environment and have extensive policy recommendations pretty much as you would expect. Guliani is pro-Nuke, as is Huckabee, who also wants to encourage "exploration" (read: drill in Alaska) McCain wants to harness market forces. Romney is pretty strongly pro Nuke. Thompson is predictably vague.

Biden insists on protecting the Alaska wildlife refuge. Edwards has extensive and progressive environment policies, while Obama is predictably vague, and Richardson has a predictably embryonic plan that looks good but is not inspiring to protect the environment.

McCain is all hot on the National Park system and links conservation with stewardship. Ron Paul is mainly concerned with protecting private property rights and letting the free market take care of the stewardship thing. The other Republicans do not have information on environmental policy.

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