The creationist-biased Texas Board of Education has assembled a committee to 'review science curriculum standards.' This group includes a few actual scientist types, and ... pay attention folks .. Wisconsin based ID creationist Ralph Seelke, Baylor creationist chemist Charles Garner, and Stephen Meyer, vice president of the Discovery Institute. Yes, you read that right. The Texas Board of Education has appointed the President of the Discovery Institute to a committee to review the state's science standards.

un be-fucking-lievable.

There is clearly something you can do to stop this now. But since that is illegal, try this instead: SIGN THIS PETITION.

If you must, you can read this first:

Texas State Board of Education Puts Strident Anti-Evolution Critics on Science Standards Review Panel

Two Authored Anti-Evolution Textbook, Presenting Serious Conflicts of Interest


October 15, 2008

AUSTIN - Texas Freedom Network President Kathy Miller today sharply criticized the inclusion of three strident evolution opponents, including two authors of an anti-evolution textbook, on a panel that will review proposed new science curriculum standards for Texas public schools. The inclusion of the two textbook authors raises serious questions about conflicts of interest and whether political agendas took priority over giving Texas students a 21st-century science education, Miller said.

"It's simply stunning that any state board members would even consider appointing authors of an anti-evolution textbook to a panel of scientists," she said. "Are they coming here to help write good science standards or to drum up a market for their lousy textbook?"

The textbook, Explore Evolution, is intended for secondary schools and colleges, according to its U.S. distributor, the anti-evolution Discovery Institute in Seattle. Because of that, the State Board of Education could consider it for the state's approved list of science textbooks in 2011.

The two authors are Stephen Meyer, who is vice president of the Discovery Institute, and Ralph Seelke, a professor of the department of biology and earth sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Superior. A third panel member, Charles Garner, is a professor of chemistry at Baylor University in Waco.

All three are supporters of the anti-evolution concept "intelligent design"/creationism and have signed the Discovery Institute's "Dissent from Darwinism" statement. In addition to their textbook, Meyer and Seelke testified in 2005 against evolution in hearings called by religious conservatives who controlled the Kansas State Board of Education.

Texas state board members nominated all six panelists. The three other members of the review panel are Texas scientists with long, distinguished resumes:

  • David Hillis, professor of integrative biology and director of the Center of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics at the University of Texas at Austin;
  • Ronald K. Wetherington, professor of anthropology at Southern Methodist University and director of the Center for Teaching Excellence
  • Gerald Skoog, professor and dean emeritus of the College of Education at Texas Tech and co-director of the Center for Integration of Science Education and Research
  • A number of respected Texas scientists contacted TFN to say that they had asked state board members to serve on the review panel, Miller said. None appear to have been named to the panel.

    "Texas universities boast some of the leading scientists in the world," Miller said. "It's appalling that some state board members turned to out-of-state ideologues to decide whether Texas kids get a 21st-century science education."


    The Texas Freedom Network is a nonpartisan, grassroots organization of religious and community leaders who advance a mainstream agenda supporting public education, religious freedom and individual liberties.

    OK, now, go sign the petition. Now. GO GO GO!!!!


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    Done and done. I lived in Texas; people there are smarter for the most part than the governors they choose. Let's hope they finally wake up to the SBOE and the curriculum nonsense and get them the hell out of there.

    Signed in February.

    From PZ's blog:

    Laura Ewing is running against David Bradley and Dr. Edra Bogle is running against Gail Lowe. Show them some love.

    Texans, do these folks have any chance? I'm happy to support them but would like some perspective on the situation. Also, the TFN and Texas Citizens for Science could use donations in addition to signatures.