This week's edition of the Replace Michele Bachmann Web Carnival is the fourth in the series, and is named the "We Told You So" edition.
This is because there are several of us living here in Minnesota who have been blogging about Michele Bachmann for some time. There is the Dump Bachmann web site, for instance. PZ Myers at Pharyngula has been talking about Bachmann all along.

"I'll get you my pretty, and your Bill of Rights, too!" A few weeks ago, Stephanie Zvan and I hatched a plot, I mean developed an action plan, to provide a weekly carnival of posts regarding Michele Bachmann. We quickly asked Radio Talk Show Host Mike Haubrich if he would join us in this effort, and he agreed. Subsequent to this, Michele Bachmann joined our efforts as well, but unwittingly. Well, actually, the whole point is that most of what Bachmann does is unwitting.
You see, Bachmann's recent comments on MSNBC's Hardball, which included her call for the investigation of everyone in the US Congress who does not agree with her (which fits perfectly with her known history in politics) as "unamerican," brought her suddenly to national attention.
Prior to this event, her Democratic Opponent in the race for the sixth Congressional District of Minnesota, El Tinklenberg, had araised about 350,000 dollars for his entire campaign, while Bachmann had well over a million. Recent efforts by those of use working the politics in this area helped with the lat bit of this ... but these efforts were a drop in the bucket compared to what Michele did. Reactions to Bachmann's comments have raised, so far, well over a half million new campaign dollars for Tinklenberg's campaign. The most recent account that I know of indicates that Tinklenberg raised about 620,000 since Bachmann's comments on Friday.
Bachmann still has more money than Tinklenberg by a couple/few thousand bucks.
For this week's carnival, since there are so many items, I've simply listed all entries as links with their titles and the name of the blog from which they hail. We thank everyone for their efforts.
The bottom line is this: Michele Bachmann is Sarah Palin, waiting (in Congress) in the wings to make her move. Or, Michele Bachmann is an ex-congresswoman washed ashore like so much flotsam and jetsam by the tide of her own inanity. Which of these realities comes to pass is up to you.
If anyone is interested in hosting the Replace Michele Bachmann Web Carnival please send me an email. If you have entries for the next carnival, please use this link to submit them.
And now, on with the show:
Welcome to the Fourth "We Told You So" Edition of replace michele bachmann.
Pardongate Update: KSTP Mentions Bachmann's Pardon Letter in Story About Vennes and Petters posted at Dump Michele Bachmann.
Blue man in a Red district: Bachmann gets free ride from Urdahl? posted at Blue man in a Red district.
Christian Community's Felon and Bachmann Associate Vennes.... posted at Greg Laden's Blog.
Fruitfly on Michele Bachmann, Petters and Frank Vennes - Pardongate posted at Dump Michele Bachmann.
More Michelle Bachmann News posted at idiosyncrasy.
Have you seen her??! Michele Bachmann is MIA posted at The Fruit Fly.
The Hill Blog» Blog Archive » Minnesota Makes the List…But Not a Good One (Rep. Michele Bachmann) posted at The Hill Blog.
2009 Horoscope - Astrology posted at DecisionCare, saying, "Who will win the election this year? 2009 Horoscope - Astrology predictions and forecasts for new year."
Our local horror posted at Pharyngula.
Michele Bachmann has got to go. posted at Greg Laden's Blog.
Michele Bachmann and her Anti-American Paranoia posted at The Vine.
Attn Bachmann: I am Not Anti-American posted at Tangled Up in Blue Guy, saying, "Can you hear Lee Greenwood in the background?"
Censure Michele Bachmann posted at Greg Laden's Blog.
Michele Bachmann: Breathtakingly Debased Extremist posted at Greg Laden's Blog.
Whoa…this is better than crashing polls posted at Pharyngula.
What Do Other Republicans Think of Michele Bachmann's Remarks? posted at Dump Michele Bachmann.
Michele Bachmann Emits Toxic Rays on the Capitol posted at Dump Michele Bachmann.
Michele Bachmann and Heaven posted at Dump Michele Bachmann.
Bachmann's attitude: I don't want to hear what you have to say.... posted at Dump Michele Bachmann.
Bachmann's Remarks Incite Internal Opposition posted at Greg Laden's Blog.
Michele Bachmann posted at Greg Laden's Blog.
Colin Powell Repudiates McCain, Palin AND Minnesota's own: Bachmann posted at Greg Laden's Blog.
Attn Bachmann: I am Not Anti-American posted at Tangled Up in Blue Guy.
Who Is Anti-American? posted at Almost Diamonds.
Michele Bachmann?s ?Hardball? blowup: Minnesotans knew it was only a matter of time posted at Minnesota Independent: News. Politics. Media..
Crazy Michelle Bachmann's hate-filled comments, which she now denies, resulted in over $620,000 in contributions to her opponent posted at AMERICAblog News| A great nation deserves the truth.
Michele Bachmann: smiley face Joseph McCarthy posted at Adam Holland.
Michele Bachmann made Tinklenberg $620,000 posted at The Political Carnival.

Michele Bachmann Tries To Rewrite History To Eliminate Her Dangerous Words posted at The Gholston Post.
Michelle Bachmann Channels McCarthy: ?Obama Very Anti-American,? Congressional Witch Hunt Needed posted at roger hollander.
Does Michele Bachmann Even Know When She's Stepped In It? posted at Lambert to the Slaughter | Brian Lambert on Media and Culture | Mpls.St.Paul Magazine +
Censure Congresswoman Michele Bachmann posted at Moon Rays.
It seems the NRCC withdraws support for Bachmann.…
I'm melting... I'm MELLLTINGGG!