Space Tool Bag Visible from Earth!

Here is the film of the space tool bag floating away.

Apparently, a veteran sattelite watcher ... this is a guy with a telescope who watches satellites from earth ... has filmed the bag from a different angle. From his back yard!

... Last night, Nov. 22nd, veteran satellite observer Kevin Fetter video-recorded the backpack-sized bag gliding over his backyard observatory in Brockville, Ontario ... "It was easily 8th magnitude or brighter as it passed by the 4th magnitude star eta Pisces," he says. Spaceweather's satellite tracker is monitoring the toolbag;

Here's the video

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how can you be sure that's the bag?

That sucks, how do you just lose a whole bag of tools like that? I mean, considering how much effort and resource it takes to haul the weight of every item and the total distance traveled, it's not like dropping something down the drain. Oops, my bad?!!