Mrs. Charles Darwin's Recipe Book Revived

Did you get a gift card for a bookstore from Santa? Consider this new item (Thanks Virgil Samms for the tip!): Mrs. Charles Darwin's Recipe Book: Revived and Illustrated

A cookbook based on notes by Charles Darwin's wife is to be published.

Mrs Charles Darwin's Recipe Book features more than 40 dishes from her personal cookery notebook, which is housed in Cambridge University Library.

Turnip cresselly, broiled mushrooms, cheese straws and baked apple pudding all feature in the Victorian notes. ... (bbc)

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Turnip cresselly, broiled mushrooms, cheese straws and baked apple pudding all feature in the Victorian notes. ... (bbc)


cheese straws

That's ridiculous. Have you ever tried eating cheese through a straw? I have, and even if the cheese is melted it doesn't work out very well.

By Virgil Samms (not verified) on 26 Dec 2008 #permalink