What would you pay to make Norm Coleman go away?

A joint project by Democrats has flipped traditional fund-raising on its head, by starting a campaign aimed at collecting $1 a day from supporters "to make Norm Coleman go away."

The Progressive Change Campaign Committee, a new group working to get like-minded candidates elected, has teamed up with Howard Dean's Democracy for America to tap the wallets of Democrats who are disgruntled by the five-month-old ballot contest in Minnesota between Mr. Coleman, the former Republican senator, and Al Franken, the Democrat.


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If they promise not to allow this opportunity to show just how petty the Teabagging Republican Mob really is, I'll contribute. If a Democrat did what Norm Coleman has been doing for the past 5 months, the Republicans wouldn't stand by and watch. The cries of poor loser, un-American, anti-Democracy, negating the will of the people, would be heard from coast to coast.

As usual, no paypal. ::sigh:: I would contribute. I'm a Libertarian and I would contribute. LOL