Somebody's got to stand up to the experts on evolution!?!!?

It's hard to stand up to brilliant people!

This guy is OTT. I was waiting for him to explode the whole time. Ouch ouch ouch ouch. My brain hurts now.

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You have to give us Texans one thing... We love to prominently display our nutcases!!!!

Guess it is time for me to write another check to Texas Freedom Network.

Gould was saying that in the context of punctuated equilibrium, not permanent stasis. He was describing specific traits being in equilibrium, I hate quote mining morons.

Also, Gould didn't really put forward a decent scientific argument for punctuated equilibrium, but he was a good salesman to the public.

Karen, thanks for (re)teaching me a wonderful old word from humoral theory. Splenetic. And here I was just thinking the guy's a blithering idiot.

By Joe Marcus (not verified) on 20 May 2009 #permalink

Gould did more damage to science that the good that he did. His work quite often was obfuscatory and his paper on punctuated equilibrium was flawed, as was the spandrels paper.

By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 20 May 2009 #permalink

Joe: I would have guessed that you would know that word. Karen, being British and all, simply knows more words.

Spandrels. .. I hates them.

My girlfriend has an English Springer Spandrel who is a lot of fun.

By Pierce R. Butler (not verified) on 20 May 2009 #permalink

Huh. My wife's family has two Springer Spandrels.

They're OK, but they only seem to be adaptive.

I will both agree with and go beyond what Jared said.

Anytime I hear someone invoke stasis and Stephen Jay Gould without, within three sentences, use the term "punctuated equilibrium," is beyond a reasonable doubt, a cherry picking liar.

Oh just listen to his impassioned plea! Isn't that how you science types solve these things?