Obama's Health Care Speech

... had some great moments. This was quite a speech. The Q&A was great as well, but I don't have that for you.

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The question now is can he keep this from turning into just one more way the government funnels tax dollars into the pockets of the wealthy?

It would be nice if we could get a link to the file, rather than embedded video which starts and stops unwatchably every 4 seconds even though I'm on the fastest available DSL connection.

(not blaming greg, just bitching about the generally inferior practice of embedding video)

I think that is just the way Obama talks. He takes a lot of puases..

But seriously, just click on the video itself and you'll be sent right of to MSNBC. (You might have to click on a certain part, try the logo)

Steve Said:

It would be nice if we could get a link to the file, rather than embedded video which starts and stops unwatchably every 4 seconds even though I'm on the fastest available DSL connection.

Greg Replied:

But seriously, just click on the video itself and you'll be sent right of to MSNBC. (You might have to click on a certain part, try the logo)


Other option you have, and what I normally do, start the video and press pause after about 2 seconds. Open a new tab, read the next post and return (or just wait a minute). The video should continue to buffer, until your browser has cahed the entire video. This doesn't work with every video source, but it does for MSNBC and YouTube. You should see the little gray bar start to make its way from left to right, signifying the buffer level.

And I'm on a bonded T1 (two T1's @ 1.5mbps each, load balanced for up and down traffic) and normally have to that for embedded videos.

Yeah, i did hit pause, around 6:25, went for a walk, went to the conv. store, it's now 7:40 and the speech is about 40% loaded.

But at least it works somewhat. Friend of mine is a sysadmin in St. Pete who runs Ubuntu at home, girlfriend has a CS degree from Washington, and he says they seldom even try embedded video anymore, the malfunction rate is so high. Mine's at least working, here in XP.

Still, it'd be nice if I could just get a nice link to an .mpeg file...

(I was using Jaunty Jackalope until a couple weeks ago when an update hosed firefox so bad that deleting, re apt-getting, etc can't fix it. Putting off reinstalling JJ for a few more days. But that's another story.)

If you're having that much difficulty (an hour of loading for a 15 minute speech, even embedded, is pretty slow for dsl), it might be on your end. DSL suffers from all maladies that affect phone lines normally, so if it's windy or raining, or you have a loose connection anywhere between you and the grid, that might be the cause.

We had DSL for a few years, and every time a storm passed through the city we lost our internet connection, heheh.