Please help out the GOP (a poll)

The Republican Party is looking for direction. They want ideas about policy, and in particular, about how to react to the Obama administration's positions on a number of issues.

You can help them. This may take a few minutes of time but you may find it .... interesting.

Mike Haubrich has the details here.

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Since I registered Republican during last year's primaries, I did the "poll" as many times as I could stomach -- and posted a helpful comment at the end (like, "stop the shrieking fear-mongering and start giving people some ideas"). (Since I've worked in data collection and survey design before, I found the phrasing of the questions particularly nauseating.) I put in my parents' address, though -- since I don't want to receive any snail mail that would echo this "poll."

One thing it helped me understand is how much I am a centrist, and yet I agree with what Obama is doing. Every time the poll asked "do you agree with President Obama's plan to do X..." I found myself answering, "Well, yeah. Do you have a better suggestion?"

By Historian (not verified) on 17 Jun 2009 #permalink

I responded and I'm sure they won't like my answers but I was totally honest,at least as far as the slanted questions allowed.

My comment in answer to waht would help the Republican party was

"going back to what they used to be fifty years ago. I registered in '72 so I could vote for Nixon but by the '80's the conservative/libertarian Republican party I joined was being taken over by the extreme religious racist Dixiecrats that had fled the Democratic party.

Honestly, I see no hope for the party unless it does a 180 degree turn away from it's present base."

Remember when the Republicans were the party of increasing dialogue with unfriendly countries? When they were against war? When they were against interferring in people's private sex lives?

Neither do the present Republicans.