Gilberton, Pennsylvania Police Chief Mark Kessler

OK, watch this and answer a question for me. The question is, does our American love for free speech translate into ignoring this man's behavior, or does our (seemingly less important) American love for freedom for all require that a person who behaves this way NOT be the chief of police of any governmental unit of any size, ever, anywhere?


If I lived in Gilberton, Pennsylvania, I'd probably start carrying around a gun to protect myself from the police chief. I wouldn't do that because I love guns or really want to carry one around. I would do so because I consider myself a potential target of Chief Kessler's, even now, living hundreds of miles away from him. It would be very hard for him to make more clear the fact that he is waiting for the opportunity to kill "libtards" when the opportunity arises, and it is abundantly clear from this video (and his other videos) that Chief Kessler is fully unhinged and should not be trusted with a weapon of any kind.

A little context from Hunter at Daily Kos:

Mr. Kessler has managed to accidentally shoot himself in the past. No, none of us are particularly surprised. Yes, Mr. Kessler has formed his own militia group in the event that federal law enforcement officials may at some point try to take his guns and therefore will need to be shot—but fear not, as he is very clear that you may only murder federal law enforcement officials with "just cause," and there is nobody better at determining when there is "just cause" to start murdering people than a group of gun-hoarding conspiracy theorists agitated about the perceived power of the United Nations.

Police Chief Mark Kessler: Yeah, we've got to take away his guns.

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Yep, make no mistake, this guy is full blown batsh*tcrazy. Apparently he's been hoarding all the drugs his department confiscates and doing them himself.

I fully agree that if I lived there, I'd carry a gun because of him. I'm a 14-year Army veteran and he doesn't scare me for my own sake, but he's one misfiring synapse away from shooting kids because their parents are "libtards".

Libtards. LOL Intelligence has a liberal bias, but apparently the CoP didn't get that memo.

By Jim Chatman (not verified) on 25 Jul 2013 #permalink

It's about time we had a cop that doen his job of "serve and protect" the people instead of attack, raid, beat, and arrest the people.

This man should run for president or at least governnor. This proves one thing. When government tyrants try to implement martial law and take away freedom, resistance forces will emerge.

God gives rights. government takes them away.

God Bless Kessler. An American patriot and a servant of the people. I am so sick of these militarized cops raiding dairy farms becuase Joe the farmer sold raw milk and i am sick of them raiding vitamin stores becuase Aunt bee recommended Vitamin C for a cold. This new world order bull is getting out of control. It is nice to see some cops will not give in to their evil ways.

By Kevin Sanders (not verified) on 25 Jul 2013 #permalink

and for the record, this is a lie. Kessler NEVER formed a militia group. It is a Constiitonal Rights watch group.

By Kevin Sanders (not verified) on 25 Jul 2013 #permalink

Kessler NEVER formed a militia group. It is a Constiitonal Rights watch group.

Po-TA-to Po-TAH-to.

By LeftWingFox (not verified) on 25 Jul 2013 #permalink

You're as bad as he is, Kevin, and you're both as bad as the next mass shooter gun nut. We've got to take away all of your guns.

From now on, Chief Kessler's videos are what people are going to see, or be shown, whenever the debate comes up about whether or not fully automatic weapons should be regulated. We'll just show those continuously on TV, on the web, everywhere, wherever there is debate. See how many people sitting non the fence decide to duck and cover.

Constitutional Rights Watch Group my ass.

Kevin Sanders - conservatard - oh wait a sec Faux/Limpball conservatives are retarded so that moniker is unnecessary.

By Doug Alder (not verified) on 25 Jul 2013 #permalink

Erm, fully-automatic weapons are regulated? They have been since the 1930s, and have been effectively banned since the 1980s unless you are willing to waive some of your Constitutional rights and pay tens of thousands of dollars for a pre-ban gun.

Of course, this doesn't apply to law enforcement officers, which is why the only murder committed with a legal full-auto weapon since the 1930s was committed by a policeman...

(To be fair, there may have been another not committed by a cop- but sources differ and I can't find confirmation. Certainly the number of murders committed with legally-owned machine guns is vanishingly small.)

By AlphaGamma (not verified) on 25 Jul 2013 #permalink

Further to my previous post, I find this guy terrifying, and a good example of why lots of people in the US can't trust the police. The thing is that creeping militarisation of the police (BAD) and gun control (good in moderation) are separate issues. Banning non-police gun ownership wouldn't disarm people like Kessler.

By AlphaGamma (not verified) on 26 Jul 2013 #permalink

Call Chief Kessler's cell phone number 570-205-0585 and let him know what you think. Also call the Mayor Mary Lou Hannon here and let her know also Gilberton Borough Office--(570) 874-4790.

By chillin2d8 (not verified) on 26 Jul 2013 #permalink

Obviously, we fire him first then take away his guns. Also, who is paying for his ammo?

Answer is YES to both questions.
Yes his right to this speech is not only protected I applaud his having said it....I like knowing who the crazies are.
And Yes he has the right to be fired for being a crazy asshat who thinks some people are not good enough for his protection and service.

" we have got to take away all you your guns"

That's nice greg. In return we take away your freedom of speech. Besides, I know yuor new world order type hates freedom and hates guns becuase those pesky guns and that pesky constitution is all that stands in your way of global domination. Too bad you will NEVER be able to take away anything from anyone, at least not without a second civil war.

I tell ya what greg. Will make a deal with you. take some of you libtard minion science geeks and go to this man's house armed only with paper posters and foul language and demand kessler surrender his arms. if you succeed I will willfully surrender mine. if you fail you have to renounce your citizenship, and leave the US within 72 hours never to return again. Deal? Let me know how it works out for you. I will be waiting.

By Kevin Sanders (not verified) on 26 Jul 2013 #permalink

@ alphagamma

The .50 BMG is banned in Calfornicaation and Masstuopidous, yet not one single crime has ever been committed by a civilina with that single shot caliber - ever. Yet. it remains banned in crybaby states.

By Kevin Sanders (not verified) on 26 Jul 2013 #permalink

oh and greg one more thing.

Kessler had real assault weapons. Not one single crime has been committed with an assault weapon since the 1930s. The lastest string of mysteriously circumstantial mass shootings have been carried out with personal defense weapons such as a civilian version of an AR-15, not real assault weapons like a full auto rifle. Yes, PERSONAL DEFENSE WEAPON. Google it. If that name is good enough for the DHS to adopt, then it should be good enough for you.

By Kevin Sanders (not verified) on 26 Jul 2013 #permalink

... and ... who's paying for the ammo of his police issued weapons?

The borough is 1.5 miles long. It's been losing population since 1910, from 5,000 then, to 867 in the last census (estimated to be about 750 now).

This guy is the Assistant Barney Fife of a town smaller than Mayberry.

Why is there no coverage from Pennsylvania media? Is this all a hoax?

By Ed Darrell (not verified) on 26 Jul 2013 #permalink

This man... is a hero to those of us who value the Constitution. The democratic politicians in this country are corrupt, antiAmerican, antiPatriotic, criminal, embarrassing, thieves, poor excuse for humans, revolting, repulsive, sickening, nauseating, unpleasant, horrendous, unbearable, vile, horrid, ghastly, nasty, hideous, appalling, cold-hearted, cold-blooded, callous, atrocious, wicked, sinful, criminal, immoral, foul, vile, nasty, obnoxious and dangerous rubbish. For lack of a better word!!

By Linda Mitchell (not verified) on 26 Jul 2013 #permalink

C'mon. Clearly, this guy is not only delusional, but uneducated and intolerant. It is laughable...not only his actions, but the inaction of the school board and mayor.

He talks about freedom of speech. Yet is intolerant of others beliefs. Namely, libtards. Lol. It is not acceptable or appropriate to flaunt that behavior in the positions he is in. It incites arguments, hate, violence. Same reason it is not acceptable to yell "fire" in a public gathering.

And no one is taking away his guns. Although he is making a pretty good case for limiting them all himself. The second amendment was written 200+ years ago. Ifully auto weapons don't belong in the hands of everyday citizens. If the 2nd amendment was taken at face value, without common sense in an ever-changing technological world, then I guess I should be able to buy a stinger missile. How about a nuke? I mean it is an "armament".
Extremism is bad. Regardless of party. Fuckin nutjob. Uneducated, ignorant and delusional. Great person to represent the interests of others on the school board and police force.

Linda, now that you've dehumanized just over half the people in this country, you can get together with Police Chief Boy and start killing people.

That is your long term plan, isn't it? Terrorism?

Hey if you don't want him can we have him over here in the SF Bay Area? We could use a stand up guy!

By Jonathan Garig (not verified) on 27 Jul 2013 #permalink

you are confused greg. Terrorism is what the new wolrd order does when they storm your house, take your belongings, and then indefinitely confine you to a prison without trial all for being christian or selling raw milk, or God forbid having an American flag on your property. I think you are confusing the anti-constitution people (liberals and globalists) with the old school pro constitution people like us.

By definition, an elderly man who reads his Bible, waves an American flag, and criticizes government corruption is TERRORISM according to the US Army manual and the DHS terrorism guidelines manual. Looks like we need to defund and deport some politicians.

By Kevin Sanders (not verified) on 27 Jul 2013 #permalink

Kevin, I think you are confusing yourself with someone who is welcome to comment on this blog and someone who is batshit crazy and is not.

The chief has killed no on, unlike the left's terrorist cop killer Bill Ayers working as a college professor. lmfao

My favorite Kessler stories would be how he thinks that the CIA is trying to kill him and how Black Helicopters are following him. But there's an even better one. He arrested a town Councilman and threw him in the County Jail [complete with strip search] for criticizing the bad job Kessler was doing on a nuisance problem. The town had to pay $15,000 for that False Arrest. See .

Peter, pull yourself together.

Wil737, that is interesting. That is a material example of what we're talking about here. He arrested someone who criticized him, and whose job it is to criticize/oversee him. That is roughly equivalent to treason (on a local level) given their jobs.

Given all the things he's said and done, I think it is fair and safest to assume that he'd kill people he felt greater differences with than mere critique.

He is a danger to society, needs to be removed from his job, put in an institution for a while (at least) for observation, and all his guns need to be taken away from him forever.

Back to peter for a moment: You too, I suspect. Right?

Just wanted to say keep up the good work and with people like you standing YOUR ground, caring about OUR God given rights and Bill of Rights, we in the long run will prevail.
These pukes that have No knowledge of what is really going but want to put their penny of nonsense into stance and make stupid accusations. Let them blow in the wind.
These are the same that think another gun law or 50 more will make a difference. The thousand right now on the books have done nothing. Absolutely nothing!d ! Just look around the country and what will you see if you really want to see it?
Gun crime rampant and the majority is by those that have no license and most are prior criminals.
Those people will remain sheeple to follow the clowns leading them to pasture.
Kevin, You have my support and I'm a VN vet that cares about our right and freedoms that this socialist system it try to take from us all.

If I was a betting man, I'd bet that 'Mike' is a sock-puppet for Kevin Sanders. It sounds like him, and he's used them elsewhere on scienceblogs.

By Mal Adapted (not verified) on 28 Jul 2013 #permalink

Todd, as far as I can tell, it is perfectly legal to own artillery in most places in the United States. There are certainly a lot of cannons in operable condition scattered around. Then again, I think an electric can opener qualifies as a "weapon of mass destruction" if a prosecutor is so inclined.

By CherryBombSim (not verified) on 28 Jul 2013 #permalink

@ Mike #27
Thanks. We have to stick together if we are to save this country from the isms of worldy satanic ways. The New World Order is beating down the door of freedom and it is our job to make sure that they do not succeed. Of course we know that when the rapture comes, we will have prevailed and those sinister globalists left behind will face the wrath of God. Sadly, they have the opportunity to turn from their pagan uncivilized ways, but refuse. There si a verse of scripture in Genesis that talks about a group of people as "wild donkeys" - people that jave no discipline, no morals, no common sense. Wild hethens if you will. They will never turn from the dark side, but they will be left behind and be judged.

They view us as terrorists as they also view our founders the same way. They would rather worship satan and give in to their homosexual, infantacide, false god religion of globalist immorality than to live forever in paradise. More power to them.

By Kevin Sanders (not verified) on 28 Jul 2013 #permalink

How have I missed all this fun?

Possible point of agreement GL: Disarm the police ( ) !

Of course, you and the rest of the antis are presented with the following conundrum: if you disarm the agents of force, then how do you force the rest of us to disarm?

Ron, you have it wrong again. I do not suggest disarming the police. I suggest firing this cop, possibly charging him with harassment or making terrorist threats or something.

Then, of course, take away his guns. If he has any. He seems to be using municipal property for all this harassment.

And of course, if I was a taxpayer in that town I'd want to know why tens of thousands of dollars have been spent buying this boy his toys.

if you let them take your guns you guys are truly fcuked.

you can see what they have done to your country so far.

imagine what they could get away with if you guys didn't have those pesky guns

I don't think it's a coincidence that people like Kessler and Kevin Sanders appear to have stopped going to school some time around the 8th grade.

I own property in Gilberton for twenty-seven years. Lived there for fifteen. Paid $5K to have the house torn down two years ago. I can't GIVE the property away -nobody wants it! Victim of Kessler's harassment & intimidation tactics. As you go through town, to the right and to the left are dozens of abandoned properties, replete with overgrown lots. Currently contesting his $572 fine for my libtard weeds. To the north, south, east and west of Gilberton are culm banks (coal mining residuals; rock, dirt). Nothing valuable here. Kessler bought these weapons and donated them to the borough and still wants more to protect his town. Sounds like a military training base at times. I could go on and on...

By James Sarra (not verified) on 31 Jul 2013 #permalink

He should be terminated immediately "with extreme prejudice" and face possible prosecution. He is a violent and hateful bigot, a menace to society, and a disgrace to the uniform and badge he wears.

By Jack Lynott (not verified) on 31 Jul 2013 #permalink

Such a little much of it CrayCray...

Regarding the trolls: You have to realize that these are people who believe that Barack Obama is a leftist. (It will be a tremendous shock to them if they ever learn anything about Dwight Eisenhower.) They also believe that someone is taking away citizens' American flags, which anyone walking through any neighborhood in the country can refute in about five seconds. Enough said.

By drjuliebug (not verified) on 01 Aug 2013 #permalink

Put soap in Kessler's mouth and fire him. Then slap that Kevin Sanders in the mouth & stand him in a corner. I have read most of the comments and am wondering if any of these gun nuts graduated from kindergarten. Kessler is a paranoid schizo who needs to be put in a straight jacket & then hauled off to a maximum security nut house, before he hurts someone. I have to admit, though, I did laugh when I saw his tirade. Then found out that he's the chief of police, not so funny. Fire this idiot immediately!!!


Note from the blog owner: Instructions on how to and encouragement to take action that will physically harm other people are not allowed on this blog. You are banned forever,

By Kevin Sanders (not verified) on 01 Aug 2013 #permalink

Kessler and his supporters are quite laughable. How many employers would put up with such immature shenanigans? Calling those who pay HIS salary all the derogatory names he ever heard during his adolescence does not protect him from dismissal due to his First Amendment rights. His employers, the town's taxpayers, are entitled to a certain degree of professionalism from their employees that Kessler simply doesn't have, or ever will have. Hey, he's a mean little bullyboy in an adult body. Grabbing his crotch and poisoning the air with his purple prose, does not prove what a big man he is. Quite the contrary, it proves how immature and/or mentally unstable he is. Instead of continuing to shoot his mouth off, the lad needs to start looking for another job. He could use his YouTube videos to introduce himself to prospective employers. I'm sure they'll be impressed.

Un F___in believeable how you right wing nut jobs justify your positions, You view yourselves as super patriots but I'll bet ninety five percent of you never served a day in the military. You are just bullshit frauds just like the republican chicken hawks you slide into bed with. We had a saying in the Marine Corps, if your going to suck a Di*k use your own lips not ours. Meaning it's very easy to run your pathetic mouths when it's not your ass on the line. Don't be so hung up on your grandeur because ridiculous whining turds such as yourselves scarcely matter in this world. Noone gives a damn about your sociopathic rantings until threats are made or insinuated. Funny how you scream about your constitutional rights when someone disagrees with you but you fail to give them the same courtesy about rights as you expect.

Did this guy ever serve in the military? I can't seem to find any info on his patriotic service.

"Did this guy ever serve in the military? I can’t seem to find any info on his patriotic service."
I was wondering that myself, it seems he's too much of a coward to have served in the miltary.

By Andrew Forrest (not verified) on 27 Sep 2013 #permalink

Maybe not a coward but certainly a Republitard in that he plays patriotic hero with someone elses ass on the line instead of his


I hadn't heard that tale about Kessler jailing the city councilman. Truly he was a POINO (police officer in name only.)

By Chris Winter (not verified) on 06 Oct 2013 #permalink

Greg: You mean that God-fearing Christian man Sevin Kanders actually incited violence? I'm shocked, shocked!

(Rhetorical question, sarcastical exclamation.)

By Chris Winter (not verified) on 06 Oct 2013 #permalink

"""""""Let this posting in no way be against those in the Gilberton Police Dept, those, if there actually are any, officers that actually took an oath to SERVE AND PROTECT and who actually "GET IT" and understand why they took the job in the first place. Nor is this towards the citizens of Gilberton, Pa and area who actully GET IT.

FIRST THING I WANT KNOW IS.....ARE THE clothing on Kessler's website actually MADE IN AMERICA????????
mmmmmmm, interesting thought huh?
This morning (NOV 5 2013) we woke up, tuned into WNEP to see the election results. As we watched we noticed a story on SUSPENDED PIEF of CHOLICE Mark Kessler and his klan of supporters going to vote, supposedly ""CSF"' members. CSF??NOT A MILITIA??? A WATCH GROUP?? REALLY?????WOW. In his lil "posse "was these "boys", not GOOD OLE BOYS. One of them was in full militia costume, guess he forgot to take it off from halloween. He had a butt hanging from his face, a Semi long gun strapped to him, had cheap DOLLAR GENERAL (no disrespect to DG) but cheap BUFORD T. JUSTICE sunglasses on, and looking like he was pretending to be reliving a scene from the new CALL of DUTY playstation game that he plays all night in his mothers basement. Another "follower" looked like the guitarist from the trash metal band ANTHRAX, AND, A pair of check out aisle suglasses on. There was others I don't care to give them the attention, along with the media. And then there was the PSYCHOTIC RIGHTWING TEAPARTY, DANGEROUS should be locked up, key thwon away and used for sceince. Mark Kessler in yet another pair of those same cheap sunglasses. My wife told me to go to youtube and see some of his videos. See when all this came out I didn't care to give him the attention he is seeking like a lil baby whining cause the world isn't KISSIN HIS ASS. WOW! It blew my mind seeing his videos for the first time. I felt this anger+rage come up inside of me towards this clown. And this is what the right wing tea party gun rights supporters are like?? Really?? wow ok then
I guess this type haven't been watching the news lately, in which within the same week 2 seperate shootings, on opposite ends of the country. One ,at L.A.X a TSA agent was actually KILLED, and iin Paramus, N.J. at a mall the whacko shooter shot of some rounds but then put him self out his misery, saving THE REAL ACTUAL LAW OFFICERS time, paper work and more tax payers $$. Now this clown Kessler and his "KLAN' FOLLOWERS, and I say that there were no "LEADERS"with SUSPENDED, INVESTIGATED, WATCHED 24-7 and hoping EX officer clown AND new PLAY TOY FOR 'BUBBA" in a prison hopefully like ATTICA would be a pleasant home for this wackjob.. Its obvious that this "CSF" need to read the actual 2nd AMENDMENT, IT ISONLY A FEW SENTENCES, But there are some big words so maybe they will have to ask their mommys to help them with the hard words, cause obviously these dudes are just a bunch of uneducated, closeminded, and nonpeaceful members of our society - hateful people.
SERIOUSLY this type of person, like "OCIFER"" Klownssler, are a real serious threat to his own family members, the public and those in elected positions. HEY, TED NUGENT LOOKS LIKE YOU HAVE YOUR V.P. candidate if you ""RUN FOR PRESIDENT??? And I thought you actually had to have some sort of background in buisness or politics. NO LAUGHING MATTER, this guy really is scary. He is just as bad as those who shot GABBY GIFFORDS, the theater in COLORADO, the elementary school in Connecticut, or any other mass killer. Seriously how did this guy pass the MMPI-II test? He is a manipulating, scared, lil boy who needs attention. When I really took a look in his eyes, I was looking at the eyes of a killer, a PSYCHOTIC just a breath away from killing a lot of innocent people.
In closing, I feel youtube and other websites need to take off his videos, don't give him any attention, and let the REAL LAW OFFICIALS IN THIS COUNTRY take care of him the way he needs to be taken care of. Give respect = get respect. I have no respect for either him or his klan.

By R.B. Armstrong (not verified) on 06 Nov 2013 #permalink

This is for my.Sanders comment on not a militia???Tehn what do so call a kessler groupie ,on local news,waering a CSF cap,in fulll mitial garb,carying an asault rifle,and another pistol strapped to his leg.Not a militia????????seriously dude,go see what an actuall"WATCH GROUP" really is and does.

By R.B. Armstrong (not verified) on 06 Nov 2013 #permalink

“”"”"”"Let this posting in no way be against those in the Gilberton Police Dept, those, if there actually are any, officers that actually took an oath to SERVE AND PROTECT and who actually “GET IT” and understand why they took the job in the first place. Nor is this towards the citizens of Gilberton, Pa and area who actully GET IT.

FIRST THING I WANT KNOW IS…..ARE THE clothing on Kessler’s website actually MADE IN AMERICA????????
mmmmmmm, interesting thought huh?
This morning (NOV 5 2013) we woke up, tuned into WNEP to see the election results. As we watched we noticed a story on SUSPENDED PIEF of CHOLICE Mark Kessler and his klan of supporters going to vote, supposedly “”CSF”‘ members. CSF??NOT A MILITIA??? A WATCH GROUP?? REALLY?????WOW. In his lil “posse “was these “boys”, not GOOD OLE BOYS. One of them was in full militia costume, guess he forgot to take it off from halloween. He had a butt hanging from his face, a Semi long gun strapped to him, had cheap DOLLAR GENERAL (no disrespect to DG) but cheap BUFORD T. JUSTICE sunglasses on, and looking like he was pretending to be reliving a scene from the new CALL of DUTY playstation game that he plays all night in his mothers basement. Another “follower” looked like the guitarist from the trash metal band ANTHRAX, AND, A pair of check out aisle suglasses on. There was others I don’t care to give them the attention, along with the media. And then there was the PSYCHOTIC RIGHTWING TEAPARTY, DANGEROUS should be locked up, key thwon away and used for sceince. Mark Kessler in yet another pair of those same cheap sunglasses. My wife told me to go to youtube and see some of his videos. See when all this came out I didn’t care to give him the attention he is seeking like a lil baby whining cause the world isn’t KISSIN HIS ASS. WOW! It blew my mind seeing his videos for the first time. I felt this anger+rage come up inside of me towards this clown. And this is what the right wing tea party gun rights supporters are like?? Really?? wow ok then
I guess this type haven’t been watching the news lately, in which within the same week 2 seperate shootings, on opposite ends of the country. One ,at L.A.X a TSA agent was actually KILLED, and iin Paramus, N.J. at a mall the whacko shooter shot of some rounds but then put him self out his misery, saving THE REAL ACTUAL LAW OFFICERS time, paper work and more tax payers $$. Now this clown Kessler and his “KLAN’ FOLLOWERS, and I say that there were no “LEADERS”with SUSPENDED, INVESTIGATED, WATCHED 24-7 and hoping EX officer clown AND new PLAY TOY FOR ‘BUBBA” in a prison hopefully like ATTICA would be a pleasant home for this wackjob.. Its obvious that this “CSF” need to read the actual 2nd AMENDMENT, IT ISONLY A FEW SENTENCES, But there are some big words so maybe they will have to ask their mommys to help them with the hard words, cause obviously these dudes are just a bunch of uneducated, closeminded, and nonpeaceful members of our society – hateful people.
SERIOUSLY this type of person, like “OCIFER”" Klownssler, are a real serious threat to his own family members, the public and those in elected positions. HEY, TED NUGENT LOOKS LIKE YOU HAVE YOUR V.P. candidate if you “”RUN FOR PRESIDENT??? And I thought you actually had to have some sort of background in buisness or politics. NO LAUGHING MATTER, this guy really is scary. He is just as bad as those who shot GABBY GIFFORDS, the theater in COLORADO, the elementary school in Connecticut, or any other mass killer. Seriously how did this guy pass the MMPI-II test? He is a manipulating, scared, lil boy who needs attention. When I really took a look in his eyes, I was looking at the eyes of a killer, a PSYCHOTIC just a breath away from killing a lot of innocent people.
In closing, I feel youtube and other websites need to take off his videos, don’t give him any attention, and let the REAL LAW OFFICIALS IN THIS COUNTRY take care of him the way he needs to be taken care of. Give respect = get respect. I have no respect for either him or his klan.

By R.B.Armstrong (not verified) on 07 Nov 2013 #permalink