US government disbands climate-science advisory committee

Posting this with no comment because it is expected and so obviously bone-headed Trump:

US President Donald Trump's administration has disbanded a government advisory committee that was intended to help the country prepare for a changing climate.

The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration established the committee in 2015 to help businesses and state and local governments make use of the next national climate assessment. The legally mandated report, due in 2018, will lay out the latest climate-change science and describe how global warming is likely to affect the United States, now and in coming decades.

The advisory group's charter expired on 20 August, and Trump administration officials informed members late last week that it would not be renewed. “It really makes me worried and deeply sad,” says Richard Moss, a climate scientist at the University of Maryland in College Park and co-chair of the committee. “It’s another thing that is just part of the political football game.”

Read the whole story with the awful details HERE.

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'Bone-headed Trump' in this case is a very proper way of putting things.

By Gerrit Bogaers (not verified) on 24 Aug 2017 #permalink

He also stopped a study on health affects of mountain top removal coal mining. That decision was based on "budget issues".

I think the article is leaving out some important details. Why do they need a 3 year head start to help " businesses and state and local governments make use of the next national climate assessment."?

In Today's News
Republicans Did Something Reprehensible

Earlier, Donald Trump… ..................

By Obstreperous A… (not verified) on 24 Aug 2017 #permalink

I currently live where many people are science deniers. Many have read one article or one book written by some non-scientist or a scientist from a non-related field and have irrevocably concluded that __ is bunk (fill in blank with the scientific conclusion of your choice). In the case of anthropomorphic climate change, denial takes the form of (1) there is no actual climate change, (2) climate change is just normal variation about a mean, (3) current climate change is natural (or divine) and we can't do anything about it, or even (4) CO2 is our friend because it makes plants grow better.

Even with at least two of these mindsets, though, why wouldn't an advisory council be a good thing to have for, you know, advice from specialists to the science-ignorant population of our Congress and the current President and his cabinet?

Is this the first step in getting rid of NOAA and its scientists? If you deny science what's the point in employing scientists?
It would be easy wouldn't to purge NOAA, wouldn't it? Modern Republicans have always been good at not being able to afford things they don't like. "Sorry scientists, we must trim the budget. Don't let the door hit you in the ass as you leave. By the way, you can't publish anything you did or learned while the gov't employed you." With the money saved taxes can be cut for rich people (including, of course, corporations which are not only now people but superior class people.)

By Tyvor Winn (not verified) on 25 Aug 2017 #permalink

Sorry, a word out of place in the last paragraph didn't get deleted.

By Tyvor Winn (not verified) on 25 Aug 2017 #permalink

It's weird, innit. All these claims of the scientists just doing this to get the grant money, because the politicians all want there to be AGW. Yet here we are, politicians trying their damndest to get the scientists to say there's no AGW and instead having to fire them to stop them saying there's AGW.

Almost like that conspiracy was a load of crap.

Re #7: "Almost like that conspiracy was a load of crap."

Too right. I attribute it to projection in many cases. It's a common enough psychological factor: people who would cheat to obtain money attribute the same motivation to others. They don't seem to understand that scientists don't get rich on grant money. It is, you know, spent on the research they get it for and has to be documented and accounted for at the end of a designated time.

By Tyvor Winn (not verified) on 25 Aug 2017 #permalink